Register (music)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A register is the "height" or range of a note, set of pitches[1] or pitch classes, melody, part, instrument, or group of instruments. A higher register indicates higher pitch.


brass instruments, the word register usually distinguishes pitch ranges produced using different normal modes of the air column, with higher registers produced by overblowing. Often the timbres
of different woodwind instrument registers tend to be markedly different.

  • Example 2: The
    middle C
    on the piano) would be in that instrument's first register, whereas the second register — where overblowing is needed — begins at E5.

However, on the clarinet the notes from (written) G4 or A4 to B4 sometimes are regarded as a separate "throat register", even though both they and the notes from F4 down are produced using the instrument's lowest normal mode; the timbre of the throat notes differs, and the throat register's fingerings also are distinctive, using special keys and not the standard tone holes used for other notes.

The register in which an instrument plays, or in which a part is written, affects the quality of sound or timbre. Register is also used structurally in musical form, with the climax of a piece usually being in the highest register of that piece. Often, serial and other pieces will use fixed register, allowing a pitch class to be expressed through only one pitch.

A "register" of the human voice is a series of tones of like quality originating through operation of the

vocal folds, which can generate several different such patterns, each resulting in characteristic sounds within a particular range of pitches.[1]
The term has wide application and can refer to any of several aspects of the human voice, including the following:

falsetto, and whistle. To delineate these registers, pathologists specify vibratory pattern of the vocal folds, sequential pitches, and type of sound.[2]

See also


  1. ^ a b Large, John (February–March 1972). "Towards an Integrated Physiologic-Acoustic Theory of Vocal Registers". The NATS Bulletin. 28: 30–35.
  2. ^ .

Further reading