Semantic parsing

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Semantic parsing is the task of converting a

ontology induction,[4] automated reasoning,[5] and code generation.[6][7] The phrase was first used in the 1970s by Yorick Wilks as the basis for machine translation programs working with only semantic representations.[8]
Semantic parsing is one of the important tasks in computational linguistics and natural language processing.

Semantic Parsing System Architecture

Semantic parsing maps text to formal meaning representations. This contrasts with semantic role labeling and other forms of shallow semantic processing, which do not aim to produce complete formal meanings.[9] In computer vision, semantic parsing is a process of segmentation for 3D objects.[10][11]

Major levels of linguistic structure

History & Background

Early research of semantic parsing included the generation of grammar manually [12] as well as utilizing applied programming logic.[13] In the 2000s, most of the work in this area involved the creation/learning and use of different grammars and lexicons on controlled tasks,[14][15] particularly general grammars such as SCFGs.[16] This improved upon manual grammars primarily because they leveraged the syntactical nature of the sentence, but they still couldn’t cover enough variation and weren’t robust enough to be used in the real world. However, following the development of advanced neural network techniques, especially the Seq2Seq model,[17] and the availability of powerful computational resources, neural semantic parsing started emerging. Not only was it providing competitive results on the existing datasets, but it was robust to noise and did not require a lot of supervision and manual intervention. The current transition of traditional parsing to neural semantic parsing has not been perfect though. Neural semantic parsing, even with its advantages, still fails to solve the problem at a deeper level. Neural models like Seq2Seq treat the parsing problem as a sequential translation problem, and the model learns patterns in a black-box manner, which means we cannot really predict whether the model is truly solving the problem. Intermediate efforts and modifications to the Seq2Seq to incorporate syntax and semantic meaning have been attempted,[18][19] with a marked improvement in results, but there remains a lot of ambiguity to be taken care of.


Shallow Semantic Parsing