Talk:Justin Desai

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I just created this article, and I don't believe it should be deleted because it is about one of the TOP PLAYERS IN THE WORLD in one of the MOST POPULAR CCGs EVER CREATED, Star Wars. I know that a lot of people aren't familiar with the CCG (customizable card game) community, but there is indeed a dedicated following of these games. Back in the late 1990s, Star Wars, along with other games such as Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon, were actually very popular in the mainstream. So many people were playing or collecting that prices for individual cards were up into the hundreds at one point. All of this isn't even taking into account the STAR WARS BRAND NAME, which of course, I don't have to say anything about because the movie franchise has grossed over two billion dollars domestic.

To Dmol and anyone else who feels like they have to delete my well-researched pages ELEVEN MINUTES AFTER I CREATE THEM: Why do you do this??? I care a lot about SWCCG because I care a lot about Star Wars. I grew up watching the original trilogy 20-50 times each, and a hell of a lot of other people did, too. As I said before, SWCCG is a damn popular game, it has a cult following, but there are a lot of players nonetheless.

Have you heard of Pokemon cards? Of course you have. You may know that people collect them, but did you know that it is actually a card GAME, also? I bet you didn't. Well, now you do. A LOT OF PEOPLE PLAY THESE GAMES. In tournaments. For cash prizes. People around the world, not just in the United States. So why would you delete an article of a second place finisher at the World Championship?

OK, so Star Wars was not quite as popular as Pokemon. But it nearly was. Back in the mid-to-late 1990s, every school - elementary, middle AND high school - had a group of dedicated Star Wars nerds, and most of them collected and played these cards. I know, because I was one of them. People used to go to the local comic book shop on weekends and spend their allowance on new booster packs and play games with total strangers, and they did this for a good five years. It was a five-year fad, but that is longer than most fads, you have to admit. Five years of being a top game in the MAINSTREAM I think is enough to warrant articles for its top two or three players, as I have tried to do on Wikipedia.

But back to my point. When the special edition movies were released in 1997, the game's popularity exploded. Have you ever seen a Star Wars movie? Have you ever gone to opening night? Man, it was some crazy times. If Wikipedia had been around in 1997, this article on Desai would be much longer because there would be about 20 contributers, and you wouldn't have dared to suggest that it could be deleted. As it is, I'm not going to show it to anyone on the message boards so they can defend me, so be thankful for that.

You know, Star Wars CCG 1997 was just like Poker 2005 - have you watched ESPN. Well, you must know of poker's popularity when ESPN started to televise the World Series of Poker. Would you suggest that articles of top players such as Scotty Nguyen or Phil Hellmuth be deleted? OF COURSE NOT.... but even more importantly, what about lesser known players? Layne Flack? Mike D'Agostino? They all have articles. And they won't be deleted. And neither should this one.

Sure, maybe the glory days of Star Wars CCG have past. So has that of the Roman Empire. I haven't checked personally, but I'm pretty sure that people aren't taking down articles of that subject, even if Rome doesn't rule over jack these days.

So please, reconsider your decision to delete this article which I took time to research and put up with NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE - heck, I don't even know Desai personally, but I have heard of him, since he is DOMINANT IN ONE OF THE BEST STRATEGY GAMES EVER CREATED - and yet, less than 15 minutes after making an article, the morality police jump in and want to take that away from me and every other SW fan out there.

Heck, WE EDIT WIKIPEDIA FOR CHRISSAKE. We're all nerds here. So please, from one nerd to another, don't delete my articles.—Preceding unsigned comment added by PM800 (talkcontribs)

I appreciate your efforts, but have for the moment redirected this to
Tikiwont (talk) 13:23, 9 February 2009 (UTC)[reply