Tract (literature)

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tract of 1820

A tract is a

religious in nature. The notion of what constitutes a tract has changed over time. By the early part of the 21st century, a tract referred to a brief pamphlet used for religious and political purposes, though far more often the former[citation needed
]. Tracts are often either left for someone to find or handed out. However, there have been times in history when the term implied tome-like works. A tractate, a derivative of a tract, is equivalent in Hebrew literature to a chapter of the Christian Bible.


The distribution of tracts pre-dates the development of the


China Inland Mission

Religious tracts

As religious literature, tracts were used throughout the turbulence of the

Protestant Reformation and the various upheavals of the 17th century. They came to such prominence again in the Oxford Movement for reform within the Church of England that the movement became known as "Tractarianism", after the publication in the 1830s and 1840s of a series of religious essays collectively called Tracts for the Times

These tracts were written by a group of

China Inland Mission

Charles Spurgeon wrote many tracts, and in addition to these evangelical writings, his "Penny Sermons" were printed weekly and distributed widely by the millions and used in a similar way, and they still are today. In America, the American Tract Society distributed vast quantities of tracts in multitudes of languages to newly arriving immigrants at Ellis Island and sought to assist them in their struggles in their new country.[4]

windshield wiper

The publishing of tracts for religious purposes has continued unabated, with many Christian tract ministries, in particular, existing today.[5][6] In the United States, the American Tract Society has continuously published literature of this type since 1825; around Allhallowtide, around 3 million alone are purchased annually to be distributed by Christians.[7]

By the late 19th century, Bible Students associated with Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society were distributing tens of millions of tracts each year;[8] by the start of World War I, they had distributed hundreds of millions of tracts in dozens of languages worldwide.[9] The Watch Tower Society continues to publish hundreds of millions of religious tracts in more than 400 languages, which are distributed by Jehovah's Witnesses.[10][11]

As evangelistic tools, tracts became prominent in the

Campus Crusade for Christ and first published in 1965. "This Was Your Life" was the first of many tracts written by Jack Chick. Later Chick tracts followed the pattern of vivid cartoon

In the 1980s and 1990s,

Million Dollar Bill", which caused a legal controversy in June 2006. Most Christian tract ministries operate as non-profit "faith" organizations, some to the degree that they do not require a fee for their tracts. One of the most productive among these is Fellowship Tract League, which has printed over 4 billion Gospel tracts since 1978, available in over 70 different languages, and have been distributed into more than 200 countries.[12]

In the 2010s, Saint Paul Street Evangelization, a Roman Catholic apostolate focused on evangelism, has published tracts for distribution especially while engaged in street ministry.[13]

Tracts are widely used in

Methodist tradition, being published by apostolates such as the Pilgrim Tract Society.[14]

"Tracting" is a colloquialism commonly used by missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to refer to door-to-door proselytizing, whether or not actual tracts are dispensed.[15]

Political tracts

Brochure-like tracts, also known as

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

Tracts were used for political purposes throughout the 20th century. They were used to spread Nazi propaganda in

New Orleans, Louisiana

See also

Page from a tract by Thomas Shillitoe


  1. . Prominent among them was what in the context of life in the world of Islam one might call the Christian qiblah, the direction the Christians faced when they prayed, and the Jews, who faced Jerusalem, Christians customarily faced east to pray. This distinctive, Christian behavior came up for discussion in virtually every apologetic tract in Syriac or Arabic written by a Christian in the early Islamic period. In their answers to the queries of the Muslims on the subject, Christian writers never failed to mention that the reason they prayed facing east was due to the fact that the Garden of Eden was planted in the east (Genesis 2:8) and that at the end of time, at the second coming, the Messiah would approach Jerusalem from the east. Consequently, they insisted all Christians face this direction when they pray.
  2. ^ "Modern History Sourcebook: The Tracts for the Times, 1833-1841".
  3. ^ The article traktatsällskap in Nationalencyklopedin, web edition, visited 2006-11-22 (Swedish)
  4. ^ The New York Times, The Gospel in 30 Tongues, February 24, 1907
  5. ^
  6. . Evangelicals paid close attention to developments across the Atlantic. They saw in the efforts of their British cousins the potential the press offered for spreading the gospel through large-scale and inexpensive printing of tracts and Bibles.
  7. ^ Curry, Erin (2002). "Halloween tracts serve as tool to spread gospel to children - Baptist Press". Baptist Press. Retrieved 6 August 2020.
  8. ^ "Kingdom Proclaimers Active in All the Earth", The Watchtower, May 1, 1994, page 15, "In 1881, just two years after the Watch Tower was first published,... In a few years, tens of millions of tracts were being distributed annually in many languages."
  9. ^ "Witnesses to the Most Distant Part of the Earth", Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, ©1993 Watch Tower, page 421, "Before the devastation of the first world war was unleashed, an extensive witness had been given worldwide.... Millions of books, as well as hundreds of millions of tracts and other pieces of literature in 35 languages, had been distributed by the Bible Students."
  10. ^ "Presenting the Good News—With Tracts and Handbills", Our Kingdom Ministry, January 1991, page 8, ©Watch Tower
  11. ^ "“The Silver Is Mine, and the Gold Is Mine”", The Watchtower, November 1, 2007, page 18, "Tracts, brochures, magazines, and books have been translated into 437 languages."
  12. ^ "About the Fellowship Tract League". Archived from the original on 2008-12-01. Retrieved 2009-01-03.
  13. .
  14. .
  15. ^ Stapley, J (30 August 2010). "Mormon Etymology: Tracting". By Common Consent. Retrieved 21 March 2021.
  16. ^ "Biography of Jack Chick".