
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.



another break

2023 year-end break

  • I will continue to enforce
    as I have done for more than a decade. Editor Hammersoft|29 August 2023
  • EVERY word we utter is a conscious choice. Even more so when we type it.
  • Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
  • Act as if what you do makes a difference. Because, It does. William James
  • It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent. Madeleine Albright
  • We Don't Want Nobody Nobody Sent...Abner Mikva
  • Ek praat 'n ou taal van Vlaams wat baie soos Afrikaans lyk


  • "Unhockey" - Is that Canadian for people who still have their teeth? (Space4T)February 2022
  • "The last time...despite knowing every evil he committed, 74 million people still voted for Trump." Don Winslow
  • "Not all those who voted for Trump are Racists, but, all those who are Racist voted for Trump"

"Tears In Rain Monologue"

  • fleeting and fragile life truly is for us humans. Everything that I am: my memories, my experiences, my emotions...are all unique to me, and only me. No one else can ever live them or understand them; even if I were somehow able to upload them to a computer for future playback, no one else could possibly understand why I am who I am today. Treasure the life that you have - truly live it
  • Collect the clips of your life that you think are important enough to save...and important enough to share with your future generations