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Actaeon is torn apart by his hounds as Artemis looks on from her chariot and a messenger reports the event to Aristaeus. (Attic red-figure volute crater, c. 450–440 BCE)


Inc. sed. et dubia

The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis

A papyrus preserving part of the "Epithalamium for Peleus and Thetis" (P.Strasb. inv. 55, 1st or 2nd century CE = Cat. fr. 211)

Like the marriage of Helen, the birth of Achilles was an event that played a major part in the climax of the Heroic Age, and the wedding of his parents Peleus and Thetis was granted elaborate coverage in the Catalogue.[1] The wedding would have come among the descendents of Peleus' father Aeacus (fr. 205), who was a son of Zeus and the nymph Aegina. She was a daughter of the river Asopus, and West posits a group ehoiai Asopids, which he speculatively assigns to book 4.[2] Peleus' biography in the poem was paralleled in two of Pindar's "Aeginitan Odes", Nemean 4 and 5.[3] He caught the eye of Hippolyte, the wife of Acastus, king of Iolcus.

"τρὶς μά⌋καρ Αἰακίδη καὶ τετράκις ὄλβιε Πηλεῦ,[a]
. . . . .] . ο[.] μέ[γα] δῶρον Ὀλύμπιος εὐρύοπα Ζεύς
. . . . .  . . . .].[. . . . μ]άκαρες θεοὶ ἐξετέλεσσαν·
ὃς τοῖσδ' ἐν μεγάροις ἱε⌋ρὸν λέχος εἰσαναβαίνων

"Thrice blessed son of Aeacus, four-times fortunate Peleus,
[to whom ... ] wide-ruling Olympian Zeus [granted] a great gift,
[for whom ... ] the blessed gods brought about [a marriage.]
He who in these halls entering a holy marriage-bed ...


In the Homeric Hymn to Asclepius, Coronis, the daughter of Phlegyas, is said to be the mother of the healing god.[4] In the most famous version of the Coronis–Asclepius myth,[5] Apollo had already impregnated her when she cheated on the god with Ischys. A crow tattled on the lovers, and an angry Apollo turned the bird from white to black.[6] A fragment concerning this latter detail is ascribed to 'Hesiod' by the scholia to Pindar, Pythia 3:

τῆμος ἄρ' ἄγγελος ἦλθε κόραξ ἱερῆς ἀπὸ δαιτὸς
Πυθὼ ἐς ἠγαθέην καί ῥ' ἔφρασεν ἔργ' ἀΐδηλα
Φοίβωι ἀκερσεκόμηι, ὅτι Ἴσχυς γῆμε Κόρωνιν
Εἰλατίδης, Φλεγύαο διογνήτοιο θύγατρα

Then the messenger crow went from the holy feast
to holy Pytho and reported the unseen deeds
to long-haired Phoebus, that Ischys had married Coronis
he, son of Elatus, she, daughter of divine Phlegyas.

The Catalogue and archaic epic

It has been observed that the Catalogue poet betrays a style that is "studiously imitative" of the Theogony and Works and Days,[7] that occasionally betrays an awkward appropriation of language found in the "canonical" Hesiodic poems.[8]

The Women

The view of women expressed in the canonical poems of Hesiod, the Theogony and Works and Days, displays what has been called a "raw misogyny", a stance that may seem out of keeping with a tradition that would allow the Catalogue of Women to be attributed to the poet.[9]

Draft space

The repeated use of the introductory phrase "or such as ..." implies and initial "such as ...", and it is like that this first woman to be introduced was

Aetolus; and Pandora's son was Graecus

  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference sigla was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  1. ^ Cf. Cingano (2005, pp. 128–9).
  2. ^ West (1985a, pp. 100–1).
  3. ^ Reitzenstein (1900, p. 82).
  4. ^ H.H.Asclep. 1–3, "I begin to sing of Asclepius, healer of ills, | the son of Apollo whom noble Coronis bore | in the Dotian plain, daughter of king Phlegyas. Ἰητῆρα νόσων Ἀσκληπιὸν ἄρχομ' ἀείδειν | υἱὸν Ἀπόλλωνος τὸν ἐγείνατο δῖα Κορωνὶς | Δωτίῳ ἐν πεδίῳ κούρη Φλεγύου βασιλῆος.
  5. ^ Narrated at Pindar, Pythia 3.8–59. and alluded to by
  6. ^ Callimachus, Hecale fr. 74.14–20 Hollis.
  7. ^ West (1985a, p. 130).
  8. ^ Already in Leo (1894, pp. 352–)4.
  9. ^ The "raw misogyny" appraisal is that of Lyons (2003, p. 115); on the relation between the Catalogue and the topos of Hesiodic misogyny, see Arrighetti (1998, pp. 452–8).
  10. ^ West (1985a, pp. 50–3, 56).
  11. ^ West (1985a, pp. 55–6) thinks that it did not; Hirschberger (2004, p. 34 n. 89) holds the opposite view.
  12. ^ Cat. fr. 234; cf. West (1985a, p. 52).
  13. ^ West (1985a, pp. 50–3, 56); cf. Cat. frr. 3 and 9.
  14. ^ West (1985a, p. 173).


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