
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

New User

I am a somewhat newly registered user of Wikipedia, though I have been reading articles for a while. If I make an error, or fail to use this site properly, please feel free to inform and correct me. I am currently looking for small changes that I can contribute to learn with before I get into the big stuff. Suggestions are appreciated. Also, I'm on as kainosnous. Also, stop by my personal website at


The following items influence my thoughts and actions. I feel that it is better to admit a bias than to pretend that I do not have them.


This user is a
authority of the HOLY BIBLE

creationist, and as such rejects the whole theory of evolution


This user is american ...and unabashedly proud of it!
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.

DemsThis user knows both major US parties have been hijacked by special interests, can no longer identify with either one, and has no hope that the situation will ever improve.Reps
This user is a classic liberal.


This user supports free software.

This user often makes mistakes while typing, and would like to take this oppurtunity to aoplogiae.
This user contributes using Vim.

?This user dual boots


Arch Linux.

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