
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
gods of thunder
. A) "Finnish type", B) "Swedish type", C) "Wolf's cross".



In the

natural phenomena when appealed to. [citation needed

According to

common noun or generalised epithet for multiple deities instead of denoting a specific god.[5]


It is possible that the figure of Ukko is mostly

Greco-Roman pantheon and the Norse god Thor (albeit with properties of Odin.[citation needed]) Tuuri, a Germanic loan and cognate of Thor, was possibly an alternate name for Ukko.[6] Tuuri is rarely encountered in the Finnish pantheon, and had been relegated to the mere role of deity of harvest and success. [citation needed

It is possible that when Ukko took the position of the preceding sky god

Uralic sky deity is regardless highly questionable. Some researchers hold Ilmarinen and Ukko equivalent


Aijeke, probably as result of cultural cross-contamination or common origin. The god was equated with Horagalles

Finnish folklore

Simplified drawing of a stone carving type found in Karelia, which is believed to have characteristics of both snake and thunder.

Ukko possessed a weapon, often a

pendants depicting hammers and axes similar or identical to Scandinavian specimens have been unearthed in Finland. Like Mjölnir, Ukko's weapon has been linked by some to the boat-shaped stone axes of the Corded Ware culture

magical objects for use in ritual
upon discovery.

In Finnish folklore,

Akka ("old woman" in modern Finnish, whereas ukko carries the meaning of "old man").[citation needed] He also was believed to cause thunderstorms by driving with his chariot
through the skies.


Russian Karelia which have features of both snakes and lightning. It is, however, uncertain whether these are directly connected to the figure of Ukko. Evidence for worship of snakes is found among different cultures around the Baltic, amongst them Estonians and Finns.[7]

There is evidence that the

rowan tree was held sacred to Ukko.[8] Rauni, a vaguely defined being has been hypothesised to be etymologically connected to Germanic words for the rowan tree through Old Norse *raunir.[9]


ladybird was also considered sacred to Ukko and called ukonlehmä (English: Ukko's cow).[10]

Festivals dedicated to Ukko

Before the advent of

Juhannus after John the Baptist (Finnish: Johannes Kastaja), was held in honor of Ukko and called Ukon juhla (English: Festival of Ukko). This tradition carried to the 19th century.[11]

Also dedicated to Ukko were the Vakkajuhlat (English: Vakka festival) also known as Ukon vakat (Ukko's vakkas) or simply vakat (Vakkas). Vakkas was commonly held in May coinciding with the spring sowing. During vakkas it was customary to consume or otherwise offer a container or some other vessel (Finnish: vakka) of an alcoholic beverage or food as sacrifice. It appears that often the festival was held in the community's sacred grove where an animal sacrifice was sometimes also performed. This ceremony was believed to guarantee good weather for the coming year and thus a good harvest.[12]

It appears that the vakka tradition was rather lively. The last uncontested reports of vakkas being held originate in the 19th century, although sporadic reports also surface in the 20th century.[13] The festival is also mentioned by the Finnish reformer Mikael Agricola in his account of what from his point of view was Finnish idolatry.[14]


Archeological finds, apparently offerings
, have been found at site.

A number of

in Finland and surrounding regions contain some form of the name Ukko.


  • Northern Karelia
  • Finnish Lapland
  • Southern Savonia

Ukko and the Christian God

It is possible that during and after the


Modern influence


  1. Proto-Germanic *þunraz and originally synonymic with appellations of the thunder god
  2. ^ In Finnish, diminutive formations do not carry the same pejorative or belittling connotations they do in some other languages, eg. Latin.


  1. .
  2. ^ Uku @ The Esthonian Review from the University of California
  3. ^ Haavio, Martti (1967). Suomalainen mytologia. Porvoo Helsinki: WSOY.
  4. ^ Haavio, Martti (1959). Karjalan jumalat. Porvoo: WSOY.
  5. .
  6. ^ "Suojelevat käärmeet".
  7. ^ Haavio, Martti (1967). Suomalainen mytologia. Porvoo, Helsinki: WSOY.
  8. ^ Haavio, Martti (1959). Karjalan jumalat. Porvoo: WSOY.
  9. .
  10. ^ "Juhannus, mittumaari, vuotuisjuhlista vehrein". Retrieved 18.7.2012. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  11. ^ Haavio, Martti (1967). Suomalainen mytologia. Porvoo, Helsinki: WSOY.
  12. ^ Haavio, Martti (1967). Suomalainen mytologia. Porvoo, Helsinki: WSOY.
  13. ^ "I. MIKAEL AGRICOLA 3. Alcupuhe Psaltarin päle, 1551. Otteita esipuheen runomuotoisesta loppuosasta 3. B. Selostus suomalaisten vanhoista epäjumalista". Retrieved 18.7.2012. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)

See also