
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


diseases. The majority of abscesses that are found, in most cases are septic abscesses. Septic abscesses are a consequence of an infection
in the body and can present themselves, almost in any part the body, ultimately leading to organ damage or failure.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of this

, and a myriad of medical conditions.


spirochete Treponema pallidum is transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus

Mechanism / Pathophysiology

There are many ways to acquire this condition and there is one immune system to act upon this infection. Initially, when a form of infection enters into the body, which then will warrant the body to mount an immune response that will be mounted in order to fight and kill a foreign organism or intruder in the body.

In order to protect itself, the body will discharge

white blood cells
and cellular debris.


There are a few ways this condition can be

blood testing techniques and assays are performed to detect the presence of infection. The use of imaging routes such as x-ray, CT scan, ultrasound
and many other measures can be used to help detect and diagnose this condition.


This infection can be warded off initially by the major influence of the

surgical removal of the abscess can be possible. In some cases, this infection has been known to be resistant to treatment.[10]


The prognosis of this condition can sometimes be influenced by the state of the afflicted individual's immune system. Sometimes, due to the nature of this infection being resistant to treatment, it can in some cases, prove to be fatal by way of sepsis.


Due to the rarity of this condition, there has been inadequate data presentation of the

morbidity rate, and mortality
rate .

Recent Research

There has not been any recent study / studies or research to better understand this condition.