
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Warning This user is currently experiencing Repetitive strain issues that may affect his or her ability to work on Wikipedia. Please bear in mind that the user may occasionally be unable to carry out their usual Wikipedia duties (whatever those are). Also, this user may not always be able to respond to talk page messages or e-mails in a timely manner during these painful periods, and your patience is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Joe Christl 13:16, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

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Trithemis annulata
Trithemis annulata, commonly known as the violet dropwing, is a species of dragonfly in the family Libellulidae. It is found in most of Africa, the Middle East, and southern Europe. Males of this species are violet-red with red veins in the wings, while females are yellow and brown. Both sexes have red eyes. This female violet dropwing was photographed near Kalopanagiotis in Cyprus.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp
This user probaby has gone overboard with

Tip of the moment...
Title searches

You can focus your searches by using the intitle: parameter. Here's how:

(1) In the Wikipedia search box, type the word intitle followed by a colon, then the word or phrase you are looking for. When you click on "Search," then, you'll be presented with a list of articles that have your search term in their titles.
(2) You can also search for one word or phrase in the title and for others in the text of the articles. For example:
Query Result
intitle:airport All articles with airport in their titles
intitle:international airport Articles containing the two words international and airport anywhere in their titles—which will give you a list that includes, for example, the article
World's busiest airports by international passenger traffic
parking intitle:airport Articles with parking in the text, and airport in their titles.
intitle:"international airport"   Articles containing the exact expression international airport in their titles.

An even more powerful tool for searching titles is Grep. It lets you search titles using regular expressions, and in the results it lists the titles only.

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Yinz! This user is fluent in
Picksburgese, wit English
as a second language.
This user is male.
A This user is an adult.
This user was born on Nov 21st, 1970.
This user lives in Pittsburgh.
bro This user has a younger brother
CF This user is
This user is
ISTJ This user's
MBTI type is ISTJ
This user observes
Daylight Saving Time
This user's time zone is
Eastern Time Zone
This user is skeptical of superstitions such as the Zodiac.
This user is a Scorpio.
This user was born in the year of the Dog.
Fx This user
Mozilla Firefox
Google This user uses
as a primary search engine.
fgn-0 This user doesn't speak any dialect of foreign, and will talk to foreigners in English believing they will understand if one is just loud enough.
... This user would like to be able to speak some more languages.
BBB-1 Dees-a hyooser ees eh puur spicker uff-a Børk, Børk, Børk.
BS-0 This person does not understand Bullshit (or understands it with considerable difficulties or does not wish to communicate in Bullshit).
gb-0 This user cannot tolerate any form of Gibberish language, and is therefore easily emotionally traumatized by The Sims.
du-1 This user does not wish to speak or hear dumbass, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
LE-1 This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English.
AvPD This user suffers from avoidant personality disorder.
This user has social anxiety.
This user suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome.
This user has a family member who has Diabetes.
This user is
BtVS This user is a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV Series.
This user wants to believe.
Verifiability is policy
Charmed This user is a fan of the Charmed TV Series.
This user believes in the power of three.
AtS This user is a fan of the Angel TV Series.
prog-0 This user doesn't program, but knows that writing XHTML is not programming.
  This user supports the fight against breast cancer.
This user supports the fight against testicular cancer.
This user is opposed to online censorship.


is not censored
for minors.

This user sees nothing wrong with the
human form
and doesn't view it as something that needs to be hidden.
This user is an omnivore.
This user supports the ban on smoking in public places.
This user does not smoke.
Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves
I would say I'm a cynic but I bet you just wouldn't believe me.
This user is an advocate of democracy.
File:Voting box clipart.gif This user believes it is every citizen's duty to assess every candidate and, if none is fit to be voted into office, abstain from voting (unless he or she wants to vote anyway).
File:Statue of Liberty NY B&W The Head.jpg This user is a
This user opposes
Martin Luther King
This user supports gender equality.
This user supports equal rights for queer people.
This user supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
CUT This user is circumcised.
This user enjoys sex.
This user wishes he or she had a girlfriend.
1 This user is monogamous.
This user honestly just doesn't care anymore about what shape the Earth is. Let it go, man.
All your base
are belong to this user.
This user believes in Paganism.
This user believes in the Noodly Appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.