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Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a

long-term medical condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is chronically elevated.[1]


High blood pressure is very common, and affects between 16 and 37% of the population. [2] In 2010, it was a factor in 9.4 million deaths globally.[3]

Symptoms and risks

High blood pressure typically does not show any symptoms,


High blood pressure is classified as either primary, or secondary hypertension.[2] Primary high blood pressure is also known as essential hypertension.


Roughly 90 to 95% of people with high blood pressure, have the primary type. This is high blood pressure caused by nonspecific lifestyle, and genetic factors.[2][9]

Most common causes

Lifestyle factors that increase the risk of primary hypertension include smoking, being overweight, too much salt in the diet, and excessive alcohol use.[4][2]

Less common causes

The remaining 5 to 10% of cases are secondary hypertension, where an identifiable cause can be found, such as the use of

endocrine disorder like hyperthyroidism.[2]


Blood pressure is expressed by two measurements. The

diastolic number, which is the minimum pressure.[4]

Typical reading

For instance, a blood pressure of 120 over 70 would be normal, in most people when they are at rest. [10]

Normal values

For most adults, when they are resting, a normal maximum (or systolic) blood pressure is between 100 and 130

mmHg, and the minimum (or diastolic) pressure is between 60 and 80 mmHg.[11]

High blood pressure values

A high blood pressure is present when the resting blood pressure is persistently at, or above, 130 over 80, or 140 over 90 mmHg.[2][11] It is important to realize, children have much different numbers that depend on their age, and size.[12]

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

Measuring the blood pressure outside of an office, over a 24 hour period, appears to be more accurate than office-based blood pressure measurement.[2][1]


Hypertension occurs in approximately 8 to 10% of pregnancies. This is called gestational hypertension. Two blood pressure measurements, six hours apart, of greater than 140 over 90 mmHg, are diagnostic of hypertension in pregnancy, and should be immediately addressed.[13]

Treatment of moderate hypertension

Research is clear that the treatment of moderately high blood pressure (defined as more than 160 over 100 mmHg), is associated with an improved life expectancy.[14]

Low to moderate blood pressure

The research is less clear on the effect of treatment of blood pressure between the ranges of 130 and 160 mmHg systolic, and 80 to 100 mmHg diastolic. Some reviews find benefit,[11][15][16] and others do not.[17][18][19]

Effect of lifestyle

Lifestyle changes and medications can lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of health complications.[20]

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes include weight loss, physical exercise, decreased salt intake, reducing alcohol intake, and a healthy diet.[2]

Treatment with medication

If lifestyle changes are not sufficient, then

blood pressure medications are used.[20] Up to three different medications can control hypertension, in 90% of people.[2]
