Гимн острова Святой Елены

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Мой остров Святой Елены
My St. Helena Island
Автор слов Дейв Митчелл, 1975
Композитор , 1975

Гимн острова Святой Елены — неофициальный символ острова.


Песня была написана Дейвом Митчеллом, американским радиоведущим, который работал на

и отправлена обратно на остров Святой Елены.


«My St. Helena Island»

My heart is drifting southward
To my home down in the sea
It’s the isle of St. Helena
Where my loved ones wait for me
Long since I left it
But I’ll soon be going home
To my St. Helena island
And swear I’ll never roam
Diamonds they are pretty
So is your fancy cars
But St. Helena island
Is prettier by far
All the wonders of this world
I’m told they number seven
But St. Helena Island
Is the nearest one to heaven
Diamonds they are pretty
So is your fancy cars
But St. Helena island
Is prettier by far
Someday if the Lord above
Comes out of heaven’s gate
I’m sure He’ll pick St. Helena
And use it as his place


My St. Helena Island
