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Butalmapu or Fütalmapu is the name in

Mapudungun for "great land", which were one of the great confederations wherein the Mapuche people organized themselves in case of war. These confederations corresponded to the great geographic areas inhabited by the Mapuches in Chile

At the beginning of the


Among the

Intermediate Depression and Inapiremapu the foothills of the Andes. One other Piremapu in the Andes mountain range, was inhabited by the Pehuenches.[3]

Each butalmapu was made up of several smaller confederations;

caciques) of all the lofs chose a supreme military leader of the Butalmapu, called the Toqui and Gran Toqui by the Spaniards. This leader had the right to make military decisions and usually only left his position when the campaign finished or he died. Butalmapus were not described as such in Spanish chronicles until the Cautiverio feliz y razón individual de las guerras dilatadas del reino de Chile, of Francisco Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán, where an account of these confederations first occurred. They were called by Núñez “utanmapu”.[4]

Among the

Cuncos to the south of the Moluche there were two Butalmapu: Willimapu located in between the Toltén River and the Bueno River and the Chawra kawin located between the Bueno River and the Reloncaví Sound.[5] By 1805 these were consolidated into just one, Huillimapu.[6]


  1. ^ Informe de la Comisión de Trabajo Autónomo Mapuche, Capítulo II Tierra y Territorio. 2003
  2. ^ Ricardo E. Latcham, La organización social y las creencias religiosas de los antiguos araucanos: Apendice I. Las Divisiones Geographicas De La Araucania, En El Siglo XVI, pg. 598.
  3. ^ Ricardo E. Latcham, La organización social … pg. 599-602.
  4. ^ Ricardo E. Latcham, La organización social …, pg. 139.
  5. ^ Ricardo E. Latcham, La organización social …, pg.602-604 .
  6. ^ Francisco Xavier Ramírez, Cronicon Sacro - Imperial de Chile, Fuentes para el estudio de la colonia; transcripción de Jaime Valenzuela M., Dirección de Bibliotecas Archivos y Museos, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, Santiago, 1994, páginas 67 -71.
