Court of Legislature (Iceland)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Court of Legislature (

Old Norse: Lǫgrétta [ˈlɒɣˌreːtːa] "law-right") was a legislature and high court established in Iceland in the year 930 during the period of the Icelandic Commonwealth

930 – c. 965

It was an institution of Althing, the nation's legislative and judicial authority. There was no executive power in the country at the time. After the country had been divided into four quarters around 965, four courts called quarter courts were established for each of them at Althing and thus took over the judicial responsibilities of the Court of Legislature.

c. 1262 – 1563

Approximately 1015 a high court called the

Danish monarchy. With the introduction of absolute monarchy in Denmark, the Icelanders relinquished their autonomy to the crown, including the right to initiate and consent to legislation. After that, the Court of Legislature served almost exclusively as a court of law. In 1563 the High Court
was established due to dissatisfaction with the Court of Legislature. From there on the Court of Legislature was no longer the high court of the country.

1563 – 1800

Both the Court of Legislature and the High Court were replaced when the National High Court was established as a high court the year 1800.
