Eduard Brücklmeier

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Eduard Brücklmeier as a Young Student and member of Corps Bavaria

Eduard Robert Wolfgang Brücklmeier (8 June 1903 – 20 October 1944) was a German

20 July Plot


Brücklmeier was born in

Foreign Office
's three-year preparatory programme. On completing it in 1930, he was posted abroad as a diplomat.

In 1933, the year the

Embassy in London, headed by German dictator Adolf Hitler's future Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop

In 1937, Brücklmeier married Klothilda von Obermayer-Marnach. They had one daughter, Monika, who later married Friedrich Mandl. Brücklmeier also joined the Nazi Party, having originally submitted his application to join in 1934.

The following year, 1938, Brücklmeier and Ribbentrop returned to

early retirement
from the Foreign Office.

Following his departure, Brücklmeier underwent

military service in France; became a Wehrmacht staff member at the Foreign Testing Centre in Berlin; and then became a military administrator in the State Administration Office of the Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres
). In 1942, he was given a job by the State Marksmen's Battalion (the Landesschützenbataillon).

By this time, Brücklmeier had established extensive links with the resistance fighters that took part in the

Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg, who had come to know Brücklmeier while he was working at the Tehran
diplomatic mission during 1930 and 1931, arranged contacts between Brücklmeier and the plot's core membership.

Brücklmeier wished to support the plot's attempted


See also


  • Plötzensee Prison
  • Detlef Graf von Schwerin: Dann sind's die besten Köpfe, die man henkt - Die junge Generation im deutschen Widerstand, München, 1991.
  • Sebastian Sigler: Brücklmeier - Mann des 20. Juli, in: Sigler: Freundschaft und Toleranz, München, 2006.
  • Sebastian Sigler: Eduard Brücklmeier - ein Mann des Widerstands am 20. Juli 1944, in: Einst und Jetzt (history yearbook), 52, 2007, S. 313 - 334.

External links