Galician League (Santiago de Compostela)

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Galician League
Liga Gallega
Politics of Galicia
  • Political parties
  • The Galician League of

    Galician regionalist political group founded in 1898 in Santiago de Compostela. The main figures of the League were Alfredo Brañas and Salvador Cabeza de León.[2]

    It was one of the currents in which the Galician Regionalist Association bifurcated. The Galician League of Santiago de Compostela was conservative, while the Galician League of A Coruña was ideologically liberal.


    1. ^ Old spelling, today would be Liga Galega.
    2. galicianist
      mayor in history.
    • Beramendi, X.G. and Núñez Seixas, X.M. (1996): O nacionalismo galego. A Nosa Terra, Vigo
    • Beramendi, X.G. (2007): De provincia a nación. Historia do galeguismo político. Xerais, Vigo