
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hawthorn or Hawthorns may refer to:


  • Crataegus (hawthorn), a large genus of shrubs and trees in the family Rosaceae
  • Rhaphiolepis (hawthorn), a genus of about 15 species of evergreen shrubs and small trees in the family Rosaceae
  • Hawthorn maple, Acer crataegifolium, a tree variously classified in families Sapindaceae or Aceraceae
  • Crataegus monogyna the common hawthorn, the species after which the above are named



  • Hawthorn Leslie and Company
    , a British shipbuilder usually referred to as "Hawthorn" and located in Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Mike Hawthorn, English racing driver, 1958 F-1 World Champion
  • Hawthorn Football Club, the Hawthorn Hawks are an Australian rules football club
  • Hawthorn Suites, a hotel chain in the United States
  • Hawthorn Hall, a former house in Hall Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire

See also