Ibn Kammuna

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Ibn Kammuna
ابن كمونة، عز الدولة سعد بن منصور البغدادي

Sa'd ibn Mansur (Izz Al-dawla) Ibn Kammuna (

Ibn Sina
and as-Suhrawardi.


Ibn Kammuna's commentary on

Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi's Talwihat, the core text of Illuminationist philosophy
is deemed as one of the most thorough examination of that branch of thought.

His comparative treatise on the three monotheistic religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam, titled Examination of the Three Faiths challenged the legitimacy of Islam where he reasoned that incompatibility of sharia with the principles of justice undercuts Muhammad's claims of being a perfect man and stated that people convert to Islam from ulterior motives.[1][2]

"That is why, to this day we never see anyone converting to Islam unless in terror, or in quest of power, or to avoid heavy taxation, or to escape humiliation, or if taken prisoner, or because of infatuation with a Muslim woman, or for some similar reason. Nor do we see a respected, wealthy, and pious non-Muslim well versed in both his faith and that of Islam, going over to the Islamic faith without some of the aforementioned or similar motives."[1][3]

He goes on to regard Muhammad "unoriginal" and "imperfect".

"We will not concede that Muhammad added to the knowledge of God and of obedience to him anything more than what was found in the earlier religions."[2][4]
"There is no proof that Muhammad attained perfection and the ability to perfect others as claimed."[1][2]

The publication of the book caused rioting in Baghdad, forcing Ibn Kammuna to flee that city in secret and was recorded by the thirteenth century historian Ibn al-Fuwati.

In this year 1284, it became known in
Hilla where his son was then serving as official. There he stayed for a time until he died.[2][5]

Some scholars believe that Ibn Kammuna converted to Islam. The possibility of his conversion to Twelver Shiism in the last months of his life, as suggested by the author of Matalib, cannot be completely rejected.[6][7]


  • The Arabic Treatise on the Immortality of the Soul by Sa'd ibn Mansur ibn Kammuna
  • An Overview of Investigations into the Views of the Three Faiths
  • Commentary on Ibn Sina's al-Isharat wa 'l-tanbihat.
  • Ibn Kammunah's Treatise on the Differences between the Rabbanites and the Karaites
  • Pourjavady, Reza. A Jewish Philosopher of Baghdad: Izz Al-dawla Ibn Kammuna (D. 683/1284) and His Writings (Brill Academic Publishers, 2006)
  • Article on Ibn Kammuna at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


  1. ^ a b c Pourjavady & Schmidtke 2006, p. 18
  2. ^
  3. ^ Ibn Kammuna, Examination of the Three Faiths, trans. Moshe Perlmann (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1971), pp. 148–49
  4. ^ "Judaism and World Religions: Encountering Christianity, Islam, and Eastern Traditions", by Alan Brill, p.165
  5. ^ Pourjavady & Schmidtke 2006, p. 16
  6. ^ Pourjavady & Schmidtke 2006, p. 18-23
  7. ^ Ibn Kammuna, Examination of the Three Faiths, trans. Moshe Perlmann (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1971), pp. 148–49
