Ledger line

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
    \relative c {
        \time 4/4
        e8 b' e b' e b' e4 
} }
Ascending Es and Bs. The first two notes and the last two notes require ledger lines.

A ledger line or leger line is used in Western

musical staff
. A line slightly longer than the note head is drawn parallel to the staff, above or below, spaced at the same distance as the lines within the staff.

The origin of the word is uncertain, but may have been borrowed attributively from the term for a horizontal timber in a

putlogs. There is no basis to support the often-found claim that the word originates from the French léger, meaning "light" or "slight" (OED 2005). The Oxford online dictionary describes the origin of the "leger" spelling as a "variant of ledger" that first appeared in the 19th century (Oxford Living Dictionary n.d.

Although ledger lines are found occasionally in manuscripts of

open score on four staves with different clefs (Godwin 1974
, 16–17).

Except for woodwind players, who prefer ledger lines to

tenor voice
, transpose at the octave to avoid ledger lines.

Notation of

, 354).

Music for bass clef instruments, such as the cello, bassoon or trombone, use tenor clef for the high notes rather than the treble clef. Alto clef is used for the alto trombone, and for the tenor trombone parts in Russian repertoire. Bass trombone and tuba use the bass clef only.[2]

A ledger line is also used to support a half rest half rest or whole rest whole rest where there are multiple voices on one staff and such a rest is forced above or below the staff. (The rare double whole rest is suspended between two ledger lines in this situation.)
