Order of Christ Cross

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Cross of Order of Christ

The Cross of the Order of Christ (

Portuguese discoveries and the Portuguese Empire. The cross can be considered a variant of the cross pattée or the cross potent


Portuguese discoveries

As the Order of Christ, led by

Portuguese Discoveries, the Cross of Christ was used on the sails of the Portuguese caravels, carracks and other ships involved in the exploration of the seas. Because of this, the emblem was forever associated with the Portuguese discoveries, making it one of the main symbols of the discoveries and of the Portuguese Empire


Emperor of Brazil, the Cross of Christ was also present in the coat of arms and flag of the former Empire of Brazil

Since 1789, the Cross of Christ is depicted on the Sash of the Three Orders.

It was also the symbol of the Movimento Nacional-Sindicalista, a Portuguese political movement of the early 1930s.


Crosses of the Order of Christ at the Monastery of Batalha

Today, the Cross of Christ is present in many flags and emblems of Portugal and Brazil. Examples are the flags of the

roundels of the Portuguese Air Force


Manueline balcony of Belém Tower

Historical examples

Contemporary examples

N.R.P Sagres, Portuguese Navy

See also
