Quasiperfect number

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In mathematics, a quasiperfect number is a natural number n for which the sum of all its divisors (the divisor function σ(n)) is equal to 2n + 1. Equivalently, n is the sum of its non-trivial divisors (that is, its divisors excluding 1 and n). No quasiperfect numbers have been found so far.

The quasiperfect numbers are the abundant numbers of minimal abundance (which is 1).


If a quasiperfect number exists, it must be an

prime factors.[1]


For a perfect number n the sum of all its divisors is equal to 2n.

For an almost perfect number n the sum of all its divisors is equal to 2n - 1.

Numbers do exist where the sum of all the divisors is equal to 2n + 2: 20, 104, 464, 650, 1952, 130304, 522752 ... (sequence A088831 in the OEIS). All numbers of the form 2n − 1(2n − 3) where 2n − 3 is prime belong to the sequence. As of 2024, the only known number of a different form in the sequence is 650 = 2 * 52 * 13.

Betrothed numbers relate to quasiperfect numbers like amicable numbers relate to perfect numbers.

