Fibonacci sequence

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A tiling with squares whose side lengths are successive Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and 21

In mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. Numbers that are part of the Fibonacci sequence are known as Fibonacci numbers, commonly denoted Fn. The sequence commonly starts from 0 and 1, although some authors start the sequence from 1 and 1 or sometimes (as did Fibonacci) from 1 and 2. Starting from 0 and 1, the sequence begins

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ....[1]

The Fibonacci numbers were first described in Indian mathematics as early as 200 BC in work by Pingala on enumerating possible patterns of Sanskrit poetry formed from syllables of two lengths.[2][3][4] They are named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, who introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in his 1202 book Liber Abaci.[5]

Fibonacci numbers appear unexpectedly often in mathematics, so much so that there is an entire journal dedicated to their study, the

pine cone
's bracts, though they do not occur in all species.

Fibonacci numbers are also strongly related to the golden ratio: Binet's formula expresses the n-th Fibonacci number in terms of n and the golden ratio, and implies that the ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers tends to the golden ratio as n increases. Fibonacci numbers are also closely related to Lucas numbers, which obey the same recurrence relation and with the Fibonacci numbers form a complementary pair of Lucas sequences.


The Fibonacci spiral: an approximation of the golden spiral created by drawing circular arcs connecting the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling (see preceding image)

The Fibonacci numbers may be defined by the recurrence relation[6]

for n > 1.

Under some older definitions, the value is omitted, so that the sequence starts with and the recurrence is valid for n > 2.[7][8]

The first 20 Fibonacci numbers Fn are:[1]

F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181



Thirteen (F7) ways of arranging long and short syllables in a cadence of length six. Eight (F6) end with a short syllable and five (F5) end with a long syllable.

The Fibonacci sequence appears in Indian mathematics, in connection with Sanskrit prosody.[3][9][10] In the Sanskrit poetic tradition, there was interest in enumerating all patterns of long (L) syllables of 2 units duration, juxtaposed with short (S) syllables of 1 unit duration. Counting the different patterns of successive L and S with a given total duration results in the Fibonacci numbers: the number of patterns of duration m units is Fm+1.[4]

Knowledge of the Fibonacci sequence was expressed as early as

Bharata Muni also expresses knowledge of the sequence in the Natya Shastra (c. 100 BC–c. 350 AD).[12][2]
However, the clearest exposition of the sequence arises in the work of Virahanka (c. 700 AD), whose own work is lost, but is available in a quotation by Gopala (c. 1135):[10]

Variations of two earlier meters [is the variation] ... For example, for [a meter of length] four, variations of meters of two [and] three being mixed, five happens. [works out examples 8, 13, 21] ... In this way, the process should be followed in all mātrā-vṛttas [prosodic combinations].[a]

Hemachandra (c. 1150) is credited with knowledge of the sequence as well,[2] writing that "the sum of the last and the one before the last is the number ... of the next mātrā-vṛtta."[14][15]


A page of Fibonacci's Liber Abaci from the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze showing (in box on right) 13 entries of the Fibonacci sequence:
the indices from present to XII (months) as Latin ordinals and Roman numerals and the numbers (of rabbit pairs) as Hindu-Arabic numerals starting with 1, 2, 3, 5 and ending with 377.

The Fibonacci sequence first appears in the book Liber Abaci (The Book of Calculation, 1202) by Fibonacci[16][17] where it is used to calculate the growth of rabbit populations.[18][19] Fibonacci considers the growth of an idealized (biologically unrealistic) rabbit population, assuming that: a newly born breeding pair of rabbits are put in a field; each breeding pair mates at the age of one month, and at the end of their second month they always produce another pair of rabbits; and rabbits never die, but continue breeding forever. Fibonacci posed the puzzle: how many pairs will there be in one year?

  • At the end of the first month, they mate, but there is still only 1 pair.
  • At the end of the second month they produce a new pair, so there are 2 pairs in the field.
  • At the end of the third month, the original pair produce a second pair, but the second pair only mate to gestate for a month, so there are 3 pairs in all.
  • At the end of the fourth month, the original pair has produced yet another new pair, and the pair born two months ago also produces their first pair, making 5 pairs.

At the end of the n-th month, the number of pairs of rabbits is equal to the number of mature pairs (that is, the number of pairs in month n – 2) plus the number of pairs alive last month (month n – 1). The number in the n-th month is the n-th Fibonacci number.[20]

The name "Fibonacci sequence" was first used by the 19th-century number theorist Édouard Lucas.[21]

In a growing idealized population, the number of rabbit pairs form the Fibonacci sequence. At the end of the nth month, the number of pairs is equal to Fn.

Relation to the golden ratio

Closed-form expression

Like every sequence defined by a linear recurrence with constant coefficients, the Fibonacci numbers have a closed-form expression. It has become known as Binet's formula, named after French mathematician Jacques Philippe Marie Binet, though it was already known by Abraham de Moivre and Daniel Bernoulli:[22]


is the golden ratio, and ψ is its conjugate:[23]

Since , this formula can also be written as

To see the relation between the sequence and these constants,[24] note that φ and ψ are both solutions of the equation and thus so the powers of φ and ψ satisfy the Fibonacci recursion. In other words,

It follows that for any values a and b, the sequence defined by

satisfies the same recurrence,

If a and b are chosen so that U0 = 0 and U1 = 1 then the resulting sequence Un must be the Fibonacci sequence. This is the same as requiring a and b satisfy the system of equations:

which has solution

producing the required formula.

Taking the starting values U0 and U1 to be arbitrary constants, a more general solution is:


Computation by rounding

Since for all n ≥ 0, the number Fn is the closest integer to . Therefore, it can be found by rounding, using the nearest integer function:

In fact, the rounding error is very small, being less than 0.1 for n ≥ 4, and less than 0.01 for n ≥ 8. This formula is easily inverted to find an index of a Fibonacci number F:

Instead using the

floor function
gives the largest index of a Fibonacci number that is not greater than F:
where , ,[25] and .[26]


Since Fn is asymptotic to , the number of digits in Fn is asymptotic to . As a consequence, for every integer d > 1 there are either 4 or 5 Fibonacci numbers with d decimal digits.

More generally, in the base b representation, the number of digits in Fn is asymptotic to

Limit of consecutive quotients

. He wrote that "as 5 is to 8 so is 8 to 13, practically, and as 8 is to 13, so is 13 to 21 almost", and concluded that these ratios approach the golden ratio [27][28]

This convergence holds regardless of the starting values and , unless . This can be verified using Binet's formula. For example, the initial values 3 and 2 generate the sequence 3, 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31, 50, 81, 131, 212, 343, 555, ... . The ratio of consecutive terms in this sequence shows the same convergence towards the golden ratio.

In general, , because the ratios between consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches .

Successive tilings of the plane and a graph of approximations to the golden ratio calculated by dividing each Fibonacci number by the previous

Decomposition of powers

Since the golden ratio satisfies the equation

this expression can be used to decompose higher powers as a linear function of lower powers, which in turn can be decomposed all the way down to a linear combination of and 1. The resulting recurrence relationships yield Fibonacci numbers as the linear coefficients:

This equation can be proved by induction on n ≥ 1:
For , it is also the case that and it is also the case that

These expressions are also true for n < 1 if the Fibonacci sequence Fn is extended to negative integers using the Fibonacci rule


Binet's formula provides a proof that a positive integer x is a Fibonacci number if and only if at least one of or is a perfect square.[29] This is because Binet's formula, which can be written as , can be multiplied by and solved as a quadratic equation in via the quadratic formula:

Comparing this to , it follows that

In particular, the left-hand side is a perfect square.

Matrix form

A 2-dimensional system of linear

difference equations
that describes the Fibonacci sequence is

alternatively denoted

which yields . The

eigenvalues of the matrix
A are and corresponding to the respective

As the initial value is

it follows that the nth term is

From this, the nth element in the Fibonacci series may be read off directly as a closed-form expression:

Equivalently, the same computation may be performed by



The closed-form expression for the nth element in the Fibonacci series is therefore given by

which again yields

The matrix A has a determinant of −1, and thus it is a 2 × 2 unimodular matrix.

This property can be understood in terms of the continued fraction representation for the golden ratio φ:


convergents of the continued fraction for φ are ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers: φn = Fn+1 / Fn is the n-th convergent, and the (n + 1)-st convergent can be found from the recurrence relation φn+1 = 1 + 1 / φn.[30]
The matrix formed from successive convergents of any continued fraction has a determinant of +1 or −1. The matrix representation gives the following closed-form expression for the Fibonacci numbers:

For a given n, this matrix can be computed in O(log n) arithmetic operations, using the exponentiation by squaring method.

Taking the determinant of both sides of this equation yields

Cassini's identity

Moreover, since AnAm = An+m for any

matrix product
, and one may easily deduce the second one from the first one by changing n into n + 1),

In particular, with m = n,

These last two identities provide a way to compute Fibonacci numbers recursively in O(log n) arithmetic operations. This matches the time for computing the n-th Fibonacci number from the closed-form matrix formula, but with fewer redundant steps if one avoids recomputing an already computed Fibonacci number (recursion with memoization).[31]

Combinatorial identities

Combinatorial proofs

Most identities involving Fibonacci numbers can be proved using combinatorial arguments using the fact that can be interpreted as the number of (possibly empty) sequences of 1s and 2s whose sum is . This can be taken as the definition of with the conventions , meaning no such sequence exists whose sum is −1, and , meaning the empty sequence "adds up" to 0. In the following, is the cardinality of a set:

In this manner the recurrence relation

may be understood by dividing the sequences into two non-overlapping sets where all sequences either begin with 1 or 2:
Excluding the first element, the remaining terms in each sequence sum to or and the cardinality of each set is or giving a total of sequences, showing this is equal to .

In a similar manner it may be shown that the sum of the first Fibonacci numbers up to the n-th is equal to the (n + 2)-th Fibonacci number minus 1.[32] In symbols:

This may be seen by dividing all sequences summing to based on the location of the first 2. Specifically, each set consists of those sequences that start until the last two sets each with cardinality 1.

Following the same logic as before, by summing the cardinality of each set we see that

... where the last two terms have the value . From this it follows that .

A similar argument, grouping the sums by the position of the first 1 rather than the first 2 gives two more identities:

In words, the sum of the first Fibonacci numbers with odd index up to is the (2n)-th Fibonacci number, and the sum of the first Fibonacci numbers with even index up to is the (2n + 1)-th Fibonacci number minus 1.[33]

A different trick may be used to prove

or in words, the sum of the squares of the first Fibonacci numbers up to is the product of the n-th and (n + 1)-th Fibonacci numbers. To see this, begin with a Fibonacci rectangle of size and decompose it into squares of size ; from this the identity follows by comparing areas:

Symbolic method

The sequence is also considered using the

specifiable combinatorial class
. The specification of this sequence is . Indeed, as stated above, the -th Fibonacci number equals the number of combinatorial compositions (ordered partitions) of using terms 1 and 2.

It follows that the

ordinary generating function
of the Fibonacci sequence, , is the rational function

Induction proofs

Fibonacci identities often can be easily proved using mathematical induction.

For example, reconsider

Adding to both sides gives

and so we have the formula for

Similarly, add to both sides of

to give

Binet formula proofs

The Binet formula is

This can be used to prove Fibonacci identities.

For example, to prove that note that the left hand side multiplied by becomes

as required, using the facts and to simplify the equations.

Other identities

Numerous other identities can be derived using various methods. Here are some of them:[35]

Cassini's and Catalan's identities

Cassini's identity states that

Catalan's identity is a generalization:

d'Ocagne's identity

where Ln is the n-th Lucas number. The last is an identity for doubling n; other identities of this type are
by Cassini's identity.

These can be found experimentally using lattice reduction, and are useful in setting up the special number field sieve to factorize a Fibonacci number.

More generally,[35]

or alternatively

Putting k = 2 in this formula, one gets again the formulas of the end of above section Matrix form.

Generating function

The generating function of the Fibonacci sequence is the power series

This series is convergent for any complex number satisfying and its sum has a simple closed form:[36]

This can be proved by multiplying by :

where all terms involving for cancel out because of the defining Fibonacci recurrence relation.

The partial fraction decomposition is given by

where is the golden ratio and is its conjugate.

The related function is the generating function for the

numbers, and satisfies the functional equation

Using equal to any of 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, etc. lays out the first Fibonacci numbers in the decimal expansion of . For example,

Reciprocal sums

Infinite sums over reciprocal Fibonacci numbers can sometimes be evaluated in terms of theta functions. For example, the sum of every odd-indexed reciprocal Fibonacci number can be written as

and the sum of squared reciprocal Fibonacci numbers as

If we add 1 to each Fibonacci number in the first sum, there is also the closed form

and there is a nested sum of squared Fibonacci numbers giving the reciprocal of the golden ratio,

The sum of all even-indexed reciprocal Fibonacci numbers is[37]

with the Lambert series since

So the reciprocal Fibonacci constant is[38]

Moreover, this number has been proved irrational by Richard André-Jeannin.[39]

Millin's series gives the identity[40]

which follows from the closed form for its partial sums as N tends to infinity:

Primes and divisibility

Divisibility properties

Every third number of the sequence is even (a multiple of ) and, more generally, every k-th number of the sequence is a multiple of Fk. Thus the Fibonacci sequence is an example of a divisibility sequence. In fact, the Fibonacci sequence satisfies the stronger divisibility property[41][42]

where gcd is the greatest common divisor function.

In particular, any three consecutive Fibonacci numbers are pairwise coprime because both and . That is,

for every n.

Every prime number p divides a Fibonacci number that can be determined by the value of p modulo 5. If p is congruent to 1 or 4 modulo 5, then p divides Fp−1, and if p is congruent to 2 or 3 modulo 5, then, p divides Fp+1. The remaining case is that p = 5, and in this case p divides Fp.

These cases can be combined into a single, non-piecewise formula, using the Legendre symbol:[43]

Primality testing

The above formula can be used as a primality test in the sense that if

where the Legendre symbol has been replaced by the Jacobi symbol, then this is evidence that n is a prime, and if it fails to hold, then n is definitely not a prime. If n is composite and satisfies the formula, then n is a Fibonacci pseudoprime. When m is large – say a 500-bit number – then we can calculate Fm (mod n) efficiently using the matrix form. Thus

Here the matrix power Am is calculated using modular exponentiation, which can be adapted to matrices.[44]

Fibonacci primes

A Fibonacci prime is a Fibonacci number that is prime. The first few are:[45]

2, 3, 5, 13, 89, 233, 1597, 28657, 514229, ...

Fibonacci primes with thousands of digits have been found, but it is not known whether there are infinitely many.[46]

Fkn is divisible by Fn, so, apart from F4 = 3, any Fibonacci prime must have a prime index. As there are arbitrarily long runs of composite numbers, there are therefore also arbitrarily long runs of composite Fibonacci numbers.

No Fibonacci number greater than F6 = 8 is one greater or one less than a prime number.[47]

The only nontrivial square Fibonacci number is 144.[48] Attila Pethő proved in 2001 that there is only a finite number of perfect power Fibonacci numbers.[49] In 2006, Y. Bugeaud, M. Mignotte, and S. Siksek proved that 8 and 144 are the only such non-trivial perfect powers.[50]

1, 3, 21, and 55 are the only triangular Fibonacci numbers, which was conjectured by Vern Hoggatt and proved by Luo Ming.[51]

No Fibonacci number can be a perfect number.[52] More generally, no Fibonacci number other than 1 can be multiply perfect,[53] and no ratio of two Fibonacci numbers can be perfect.[54]

Prime divisors

With the exceptions of 1, 8 and 144 (F1 = F2, F6 and F12) every Fibonacci number has a prime factor that is not a factor of any smaller Fibonacci number (Carmichael's theorem).[55] As a result, 8 and 144 (F6 and F12) are the only Fibonacci numbers that are the product of other Fibonacci numbers.[56]

The divisibility of Fibonacci numbers by a prime p is related to the Legendre symbol which is evaluated as follows:

If p is a prime number then


For example,

It is not known whether there exists a prime p such that

Such primes (if there are any) would be called Wall–Sun–Sun primes.

Also, if p ≠ 5 is an odd prime number then:[59]

Example 1. p = 7, in this case p ≡ 3 (mod 4) and we have:

Example 2. p = 11, in this case p ≡ 3 (mod 4) and we have:

Example 3. p = 13, in this case p ≡ 1 (mod 4) and we have:

Example 4. p = 29, in this case p ≡ 1 (mod 4) and we have:

For odd n, all odd prime divisors of Fn are congruent to 1 modulo 4, implying that all odd divisors of Fn (as the products of odd prime divisors) are congruent to 1 modulo 4.[60]

For example,

All known factors of Fibonacci numbers F(i) for all i < 50000 are collected at the relevant repositories.[61][62]

Periodicity modulo n

If the members of the Fibonacci sequence are taken mod n, the resulting sequence is periodic with period at most 6n.[63] The lengths of the periods for various n form the so-called Pisano periods.[64] Determining a general formula for the Pisano periods is an open problem, which includes as a subproblem a special instance of the problem of finding the multiplicative order of a modular integer or of an element in a finite field. However, for any particular n, the Pisano period may be found as an instance of cycle detection.


The Fibonacci sequence is one of the simplest and earliest known sequences defined by a

difference equation. All these sequences may be viewed as generalizations of the Fibonacci sequence. In particular, Binet's formula may be generalized to any sequence that is a solution of a homogeneous linear difference equation with constant coefficients

Some specific examples that are close, in some sense, to the Fibonacci sequence include:



The Fibonacci numbers are the sums of the diagonals (shown in red) of a left-justified Pascal's triangle.

The Fibonacci numbers occur as the sums of binomial coefficients in the "shallow" diagonals of Pascal's triangle:[66]

This can be proved by expanding the generating function
and collecting like terms of .

To see how the formula is used, we can arrange the sums by the number of terms present:

5 = 1+1+1+1+1
= 2+1+1+1 = 1+2+1+1 = 1+1+2+1 = 1+1+1+2
= 2+2+1 = 2+1+2 = 1+2+2

which is , where we are choosing the positions of k twos from nk−1 terms.

Use of the Fibonacci sequence to count {1, 2}-restricted compositions

These numbers also give the solution to certain enumerative problems,[67] the most common of which is that of counting the number of ways of writing a given number n as an ordered sum of 1s and 2s (called compositions); there are Fn+1 ways to do this (equivalently, it's also the number of domino tilings of the rectangle). For example, there are F5+1 = F6 = 8 ways one can climb a staircase of 5 steps, taking one or two steps at a time:

5 = 1+1+1+1+1 = 2+1+1+1 = 1+2+1+1 = 1+1+2+1 = 2+2+1
= 1+1+1+2 = 2+1+2 = 1+2+2

The figure shows that 8 can be decomposed into 5 (the number of ways to climb 4 steps, followed by a single-step) plus 3 (the number of ways to climb 3 steps, followed by a double-step). The same reasoning is applied recursively until a single step, of which there is only one way to climb.

The Fibonacci numbers can be found in different ways among the set of

binary strings, or equivalently, among the subsets
of a given set.

Computer science

Fibonacci tree of height 6. Balance factors green; heights red.
The keys in the left spine are Fibonacci numbers.


Yellow chamomile
head showing the arrangement in 21 (blue) and 13 (cyan) spirals. Such arrangements involving consecutive Fibonacci numbers appear in a wide variety of plants.

Fibonacci sequences appear in biological settings,

Kepler pointed out the presence of the Fibonacci sequence in nature, using it to explain the (golden ratio-related) pentagonal form of some flowers.[82] Field daisies most often have petals in counts of Fibonacci numbers.[83] In 1830, Karl Friedrich Schimper and Alexander Braun discovered that the parastichies (spiral phyllotaxis) of plants were frequently expressed as fractions involving Fibonacci numbers.[84]

Przemysław Prusinkiewicz advanced the idea that real instances can in part be understood as the expression of certain algebraic constraints on free groups, specifically as certain Lindenmayer grammars.[85]

Illustration of Vogel's model for n = 1 ... 500

A model for the pattern of

sunflower was proposed by Helmut Vogel [de] in 1979.[86]
This has the form

where n is the index number of the floret and c is a constant scaling factor; the florets thus lie on Fermat's spiral. The divergence angle, approximately 137.51°, is the golden angle, dividing the circle in the golden ratio. Because this ratio is irrational, no floret has a neighbor at exactly the same angle from the center, so the florets pack efficiently. Because the rational approximations to the golden ratio are of the form F( j):F( j + 1), the nearest neighbors of floret number n are those at n ± F( j) for some index j, which depends on r, the distance from the center. Sunflowers and similar flowers most commonly have spirals of florets in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions in the amount of adjacent Fibonacci numbers,[87] typically counted by the outermost range of radii.[88]

Fibonacci numbers also appear in the pedigrees of idealized honeybees, according to the following rules:

  • If an egg is laid by an unmated female, it hatches a male or drone bee.
  • If, however, an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female.

Thus, a male bee always has one parent, and a female bee has two. If one traces the pedigree of any male bee (1 bee), he has 1 parent (1 bee), 2 grandparents, 3 great-grandparents, 5 great-great-grandparents, and so on. This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence. The number of ancestors at each level, Fn, is the number of female ancestors, which is Fn−1, plus the number of male ancestors, which is Fn−2.[89] This is under the unrealistic assumption that the ancestors at each level are otherwise unrelated.

The number of possible ancestors on the X chromosome inheritance line at a given ancestral generation follows the Fibonacci sequence. (After Hutchison, L. "Growing the Family Tree: The Power of DNA in Reconstructing Family Relationships".[90])

It has been noticed that the number of possible ancestors on the human X chromosome inheritance line at a given ancestral generation also follows the Fibonacci sequence.[90] A male individual has an X chromosome, which he received from his mother, and a Y chromosome, which he received from his father. The male counts as the "origin" of his own X chromosome (), and at his parents' generation, his X chromosome came from a single parent (). The male's mother received one X chromosome from her mother (the son's maternal grandmother), and one from her father (the son's maternal grandfather), so two grandparents contributed to the male descendant's X chromosome (). The maternal grandfather received his X chromosome from his mother, and the maternal grandmother received X chromosomes from both of her parents, so three great-grandparents contributed to the male descendant's X chromosome (). Five great-great-grandparents contributed to the male descendant's X chromosome (), etc. (This assumes that all ancestors of a given descendant are independent, but if any genealogy is traced far enough back in time, ancestors begin to appear on multiple lines of the genealogy, until eventually a population founder appears on all lines of the genealogy.)


  • In optics, when a beam of light shines at an angle through two stacked transparent plates of different materials of different refractive indexes, it may reflect off three surfaces: the top, middle, and bottom surfaces of the two plates. The number of different beam paths that have k reflections, for k > 1, is the k-th Fibonacci number. (However, when k = 1, there are three reflection paths, not two, one for each of the three surfaces.)[91]
  • Fibonacci retracement levels are widely used in technical analysis for financial market trading.
  • Since the conversion factor 1.609344 for miles to kilometers is close to the golden ratio, the decomposition of distance in miles into a sum of Fibonacci numbers becomes nearly the kilometer sum when the Fibonacci numbers are replaced by their successors. This method amounts to a radix 2 number register in golden ratio base φ being shifted. To convert from kilometers to miles, shift the register down the Fibonacci sequence instead.[92]
  • The measured values of voltages and currents in the infinite resistor chain circuit (also called the resistor ladder or infinite series-parallel circuit) follow the Fibonacci sequence. The intermediate results of adding the alternating series and parallel resistances yields fractions composed of consecutive Fibonacci numbers. The equivalent resistance of the entire circuit equals the golden ratio.[93]
  • Brasch et al. 2012 show how a generalized Fibonacci sequence also can be connected to the field of economics.[94] In particular, it is shown how a generalized Fibonacci sequence enters the control function of finite-horizon dynamic optimisation problems with one state and one control variable. The procedure is illustrated in an example often referred to as the Brock–Mirman economic growth model.
  • Mario Merz included the Fibonacci sequence in some of his artworks beginning in 1970.[95]
  • a system of composition which uses Fibonacci intervals in some of its melodies; he viewed these as the musical counterpart to the elaborate harmony evident within nature.[96] See also Golden ratio § Music

See also


Explanatory footnotes

  1. ^ "For four, variations of meters of two [and] three being mixed, five happens. For five, variations of two earlier—three [and] four, being mixed, eight is obtained. In this way, for six, [variations] of four [and] of five being mixed, thirteen happens. And like that, variations of two earlier meters being mixed, seven morae [is] twenty-one. In this way, the process should be followed in all mātrā-vṛttas" [13]


  1. ^ a b Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A000045 (Fibonacci numbers: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) with F(0) = 0 and F(1) = 1)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ , it was natural to consider the set of all sequences of [L] and [S] that have exactly m beats. ... there are exactly Fm+1 of them. For example the 21 sequences when m = 7 are: [gives list]. In this way Indian prosodists were led to discover the Fibonacci sequence, as we have observed in Section 1.2.8 (from v.1)
  5. ^ Sigler 2002, pp. 404–05.
  6. ^ Lucas 1891, p. 3.
  7. ^ Beck & Geoghegan 2010.
  8. ^ Bóna 2011, p. 180.
  9. , Before Fibonacci wrote his work, the sequence Fn had already been discussed by Indian scholars, who had long been interested in rhythmic patterns ... both Gopala (before 1135 AD) and Hemachandra (c. 1150) mentioned the numbers 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 explicitly [see P. Singh Historia Math 12 (1985) 229–44]" p. 100 (3d ed) ...
  10. ^ a b Livio 2003, p. 197.
  11. ^ Agrawala, VS (1969), Pāṇinikālīna Bhāratavarṣa (Hn.). Varanasi-I: TheChowkhamba Vidyabhawan, SadgurushiShya writes that Pingala was a younger brother of Pāṇini [Agrawala 1969, lb]. There is an alternative opinion that he was a maternal uncle of Pāṇini [Vinayasagar 1965, Preface, 121]. ... Agrawala [1969, 463–76], after a careful investigation, in which he considered the views of earlier scholars, has concluded that Pāṇini lived between 480 and 410 BC
  12. ^ Velankar, HD (1962), 'Vṛttajātisamuccaya' of kavi Virahanka, Jodhpur: Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute, p. 101
  13. ^ Livio 2003, p. 197–198.
  14. ^ Shah, Jayant (1991), "A History of Piṅgala's Combinatorics" (PDF), Northeastern University: 41, retrieved 4 January 2019
  15. ^ Sigler 2002, pp. 404–405.
  16. The University of Utah
    , 13 December 2009, retrieved 28 November 2018
  17. ^ Knott, Ron (25 September 2016), "The Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature – 1", University of Surrey, retrieved 27 November 2018
  18. ^ Knott, Ron, Fibonacci's Rabbits, University of Surrey Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
  19. , It is ironic that Leonardo, who made valuable contributions to mathematics, is remembered today mainly because a 19th-century French number theorist, Édouard Lucas... attached the name Fibonacci to a number sequence that appears in a trivial problem in Liber abaci
  20. ^ Ball 2003, p. 156.
  21. ^ Ball 2003, pp. 155–156.
  22. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A002390 (Decimal expansion of natural logarithm of golden ratio)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  23. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A097348 (Decimal expansion of arccsch(2)/log(10))", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  24. ^ Strena seu de Nive Sexangula, 1611
  25. The Fibonacci Quarterly
    , 10 (4): 417–19, retrieved April 11, 2012
  26. ^ "The Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Numbers and Continued Fractions". Retrieved 2024-03-22.
  27. ^ Dijkstra, Edsger W. (1978), In honour of Fibonacci (PDF)
  28. ^ Lucas 1891, p. 4.
  29. ^ a b c Weisstein, Eric W., "Fibonacci Number", MathWorld
  30. S2CID 116536130
  31. ^ Landau (1899) quoted according Borwein, Page 95, Exercise 3b.
  32. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A079586 (Decimal expansion of Sum_{k>=1} 1/F(k) where F(k) is the k-th Fibonacci number)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  33. ^ Ribenboim, Paulo (2000), My Numbers, My Friends, Springer-Verlag
  34. ^ Su, Francis E (2000), "Fibonacci GCD's, please", Mudd Math Fun Facts, et al, HMC, archived from the original on 2009-12-14, retrieved 2007-02-23
  35. ^ Williams, H. C. (1982), "A note on the Fibonacci quotient ", . Williams calls this property "well known".
  36. ^ Prime Numbers, Richard Crandall, Carl Pomerance, Springer, second edition, 2005, p. 142.
  37. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A005478 (Prime Fibonacci numbers)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  38. MR 3821829, archived from the original
    (PDF) on 2023-11-18, retrieved 2022-11-23
  39. ^ Pethő, Attila (2001), "Diophantine properties of linear recursive sequences II", Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis, 17: 81–96
  40. S2CID 10266596
  41. ^ Luo, Ming (1989), "On triangular Fibonacci numbers" (PDF), Fibonacci Quart., 27 (2): 98–108
  42. S2CID 121789033
  43. ^ Knott, Ron, The Fibonacci numbers, UK: Surrey
  44. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A235383 (Fibonacci numbers that are the product of other Fibonacci numbers)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  45. ^ Lemmermeyer 2000, pp. 73–74, ex. 2.25–28.
  46. ^ Lemmermeyer 2000, pp. 73–74, ex. 2.28.
  47. ^ Lemmermeyer 2000, p. 73, ex. 2.27.
  48. ^ Fibonacci and Lucas factorizations, Mersennus collects all known factors of F(i) with i < 10000.
  49. ^ Factors of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Red golpe collects all known factors of F(i) with 10000 < i < 50000.
  50. JSTOR 2325076
  51. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.), "Sequence A001175 (Pisano periods (or Pisano numbers): period of Fibonacci numbers mod n)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS Foundation
  52. ^ Lucas 1891, p. 7.
  53. ^ Harizanov, Valentina (1995), "Review of Yuri V. Matiyasevich, Hibert's Tenth Problem", Modern Logic, 5 (3): 345–55
  54. JSTOR 30215477
  55. MR 2131318; see especially Lemma 8.2 (Ring Lemma), pp. 73–74
    , and Appendix B, The Ring Lemma, pp. 318–321.
  56. ^ Adelson-Velsky, Georgy; Landis, Evgenii (1962), "An algorithm for the organization of information", Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences (in Russian), 146: 263–266 English translation by Myron J. Ricci in Soviet Mathematics - Doklady, 3:1259–1263, 1962.
  57. ^ Avriel, M; Wilde, DJ (1966), "Optimality of the Symmetric Fibonacci Search Technique", Fibonacci Quarterly (3): 265–69
  58. ^ Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual, Addison–Wesley, 1991
  59. ^ "IFF", Multimedia Wiki
  60. ^ Dean Leffingwell (2021-07-01), Story, Scaled Agile Framework, retrieved 2022-08-15
  61. (PDF) on 2006-05-26
  62. ^ Brousseau, A (1969), "Fibonacci Statistics in Conifers", Fibonacci Quarterly (7): 525–32
  63. ^ "Marks for the da Vinci Code: B–", Maths, Computer Science For Fun: CS4FN
  64. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
    , University of St Andrews
  65. ^ Livio 2003, p. 110.
  66. ^ Livio 2003, pp. 112–13.
  67. , retrieved 2022-10-30, En 1830, K. F. Schimper et A. Braun [...]. Ils montraient que si l'on représente cet angle de divergence par une fraction reflétant le nombre de tours par feuille ([...]), on tombe régulièrement sur un des nombres de la suite de Fibonacci pour le numérateur [...].
  68. ^ Livio 2003, p. 112.
  69. ^ "The Fibonacci sequence as it appears in nature" (PDF), The Fibonacci Quarterly, 1 (1): 53–56, 1963
  70. ^ a b Hutchison, Luke (September 2004), "Growing the Family Tree: The Power of DNA in Reconstructing Family Relationships" (PDF), Proceedings of the First Symposium on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (BIOT-04), archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-09-25, retrieved 2016-09-03
  71. ^ Livio 2003, pp. 98–99.
  72. ^ "Zeckendorf representation", Encyclopedia of Math
  73. S2CID 35413237
  74. ^ Livio 2003, p. 176.
  75. ^ Livio 2003, p. 193.

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