Rainbow body

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In Dzogchen, rainbow body (Tibetan: འཇའ་ལུས་, Wylie: 'ja' lus, Jalü or Jalus) is a level of realization. This may or may not be accompanied by the 'rainbow body phenomenon'. The rainbow body phenomenon is pre-Buddhist in origin,[1] and is a topic which has been treated fairly seriously in Tibet for centuries past and into the modern era. Other Vajrayana teachings also mention rainbow body phenomena which occurs during or after the death process.


Tibetan letter "A" inside a thigle. The "A", which corresponds to the sound 'ahh',[2] represents kadag while the thigle represents lhun grub.

The rainbow body phenomenon is a third person perspective of someone else attaining complete knowledge (Tibetan: རིག་པ, Wylie: rigpa). Knowledge is the absence of delusion regarding the display of the basis.

Rigpa has three wisdoms, which are kadag, lhun grub and thugs rje. Kadag deals with

Sambhogakāya (rainbow body phenomenon).[3][4]
The symbol of Dzogchen is a Tibetan "A" wrapped in a thigle. The "A" represents kadag while the thigle represents lhun grub. The third wisdom, thugs rje (compassion), is the inseparability of the previous two wisdoms.

In Dzogchen, a fundamental point of practice is to distinguish rigpa from sems (mind).[5]

The ultimate fruition of the tögal practices is a body of pure light and the dissolution of the physical body at death, this is called a rainbow body (Wylie 'ja' lus, pronounced ja lü.)[6] If the four visions of tögal are not completed before death, then during death, from the point of view of an external observer, the dying person starts to shrink until he or she disappears or "vanish into light".[7] Usually fingernails, toenails and hair are left behind[8] (see e.g. Togden Ugyen Tendzin, Ayu Khandro, Changchub Dorje).

The attainment of the rainbow body is typically accompanied by the appearance of lights and rainbows.[6]

Exceptional practitioners are held to realize a higher type of rainbow body without leaving behind "the hair or fingernails"

Sambhogakāya) with the ability to exist and abide wherever and whenever as pointed by one's compassion.[9]

Eyewitness account

Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen's Heart Drops of Dharmakaya, a Kunzang Nyingtik Dzogchen meditation manual commentated on by Lopon Tenzin Namdak, contains an eyewitness account of his main students' bodies shrinking and rainbows appearing in the sky at death.[10]

Reported accomplishments


  1. ^ Guinness (2018).
  2. ^ Norbu 2002, p. 56.
  3. ^ a b Garry 2005, p. 296.
  4. ^ Dalai Lama 2004, p. 32.
  5. ^ Kunsang 2012, p. 154.
  6. ^ a b Ray 2001, p. 323.
  7. ^
    ISBN 0-670-85886-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link
  8. ^ Norbu 1999, pp. 158–161.
  9. ^ Rangdrol & Matthieu 2001, p. 153.
  10. ^ a b Gyaltsen 2002, pp. 135–137.
  11. ^ Rabjam 1996, pp. 137–139.
  12. ^ Allione 2000.
  13. ^ Norbu 2012.
  14. ^ Holland 2002.


Further reading

External links