Shlomo Yosef Zevin

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Rabbi Zevin next to Abba Eban

Shlomo Yosef Zevin (

Halachic Encyclopedia
, of which he was chief editor until his death.

Rabbinate and scholarship

Shlomo Yosef Zevin was born in 1888 in

At a young age Rabbi Zevin was appointed rabbi of his birthplace,

Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn. Beginning in 1921, he edited a Torah journal, Yagdil Torah, together with Rabbi Yehezkel Abramsky of Slutsk; for this crime he was imprisoned by the Communist authorities.[3]
He founded Orthodox Jewish journals that dealt with problems of the time.

At the age of 18, Rabbi Zevin began corresponding with leading sages, including the

Ukrainian parliament
. He also served as a member and officer of the parent body of Jewish communities in Ukraine.

In 1935, Rabbi Zevin settled in the

Israeli Chief Rabbinate

He held religious Zionist views and would eat a festive meal on Israeli Independence Day.

In 1947 the first volume of the Encyclopedia Talmudit was published under his editorial oversight. Zevin continued to serve as editor-in-chief until his death in 1978. This multi-volume work continues today.

Rabbi Zevin frequently corresponded with Rabbi

Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, in 1950.[5]
He used concepts in Chabad philosophy to clarify halachic principles.


Published works

Additionally, Zevin authored nine other works, including;

  • L’Ohr Ha’halachah – essays on both practical and abstract halachic topics, including a halachic analysis of the legal and moral questions presented in
    Merchant of Venice
  • Ha’moadim Be’halachah – halachic studies of the Jewish festivals;
  • Ishim Ve’shitot – biographies of selected 19th and 20th century sages with analyses of their individual methods of study;
  • La’Torah Ve’la’moadim – essays on the Torah and the festivals; and
  • Sippurei Chassidim – Chassidic tales arranged by parsha and festival.
  • Sofrim U'Sefarim – reviews of Torah literature


  1. ^ Hapardes, Nissan 5738, pp. 25–26.
  2. ^ Hapardes, Shevat 5719, p. 46
  3. ^ Hapardes, Nissan 5738
  4. ^ Zevin, Shlomo. Ishim veShitot, page 23
  5. ^ Igrot Kodesh vol. 3, pages 21-22. Yemei Bereshit page 116
  6. ^ "Israel Prize recipients in 1959 (in Hebrew)". Israel Prize Official Site. Archived from the original on March 7, 2012.
  7. ^ "Recipients of Yakir Yerushalayim award (in Hebrew)". Archived from the original on 2013-10-22. City of Jerusalem official web site

See also