Theologian of the Pontifical Household

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In the

Latin: Magister Sacri Palatii Apostolici) before the changes implemented in Pope Paul VI's 1968 apostolic letter Pontificalis Domus.[1]


In 1218

Superior generals of the order. Several are famous for their works on theology, e.g. Durandus of Saint-Pourçain, Juan de Torquemada, Sylvester Mazzolini 'Prierias', Thomas Maria Mamachi and Giuseppe Agostino Ors. The majority were Italians, ten Spaniards, ten Frenchmen, one German, and one an Englishman (William de Boderisham
, or Bonderish, 1263–1270?).

The chronicles of the churches of San Domenico at Perugia and San Domenico at Orvieto attest that the studium at the convent of Santa Sabina, which is the forerunner of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, played the special role of frequently providing papal theologians from among its members.[2]

The post is now held by Fr. Wojciech Giertych, a Polish Dominican, a former student of and professor of theology at the Angelicum, who was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005 to replace the Swiss Cardinal Georges Cottier.

It has sometimes been asserted that

O.S.F., who became Archbishop of Canterbury
in 1279).

St. Dominic's work as Master of the Sacred Palace consisted partly at least in expounding the

Josephus Catalanus
, who, however, is not guilty of the confusion alluded to above, says he was the first Lector of the Sacred Palace as well as the first Master of the Sacred Palace.

In the thirteenth century the chief duty of the Master of the Sacred Palace was to lecture on Scripture and to preside over the theological school in Vatican: "in scholae Romanae et Pontificiae regimine et in publica sacrae scripturae expositione" (Echard). The Lectores or

Benedict XIV (Decree, "Inclyta Fratrum", 1743); since the companion preaches to the papal household, and a Capuchin
preaches to the pope and to the cardinals.

But the work of the Master of the Sacred Palace as papal theologian continues to the present. As it has assumed its actual form by centuries of development, we may give a summary of the legislation respecting it and the various functions it comprises and also of the honours attaching to it. The "Acta" (or "Calenda") of the Palatine officials in 1409 (under

Sacred Rota
, that no one should preach before the pope whose sermon had not been previously approved of by him, and that in accordance with ancient usage no one could be made a doctor of theology in Rome but by him (Bullarium O. P., III, 81). Callistus III (13 November 1455) confirmed and amplified the second part of this decree, but at the same time exempted cardinals from its operation (ibid., p. 356). It has fallen into disuse.

In the

Benedict XIV
(1 September 1744). And the permission of the Master of the Sacred Palace must be got not only to print, but to publish, and before the second permission is granted, three printed copies must be deposited with him: for himself, for his companion and for the cardinal vicar.

The Roman Vicariate never examines work intended for publication. For centuries the imprimatur of the Master of the Sacred Palace who always examined them followed the Si videbitur Reverendissimo Magistro Sacri Palatii of the cardinal vicar; in virtue of custom but not of any ascertained law, since about the year 1825 the cardinal vicar gives an imprimatur, and it follows that of the Master of the Sacred Palace. The obligation once incumbent on cardinals of presenting their work to the Master of the Sacred Palace for his imprimatur has fallen into disuse, but through courtesy many cardinals do present their works.

In the Constitution "

declared that all persons residing in Rome may get leave from the Master of the Sacred Palace to read forbidden books, and that if authors who live in Rome intend to get their works published elsewhere, the joint imprimatur of the cardinal vicar and the Master of the Sacred Palace renders it unnecessary to ask any other approbation. As is well known, if an author not resident in Rome desires to have his work published there, provided that an agreement with the author's Ordinary has been made and that the Master of the Sacred Palace judges favourably of the work, the imprimatur will be given. In this case the book is known by its having two title pages: the one bearing the name of the domiciliary, the other that of the Roman publisher.

Before the establishment of the

Gregory XIII
(11 March 1575).

From the time when Leo X recognized the Roman University "

in 1824.

Since the occupation of Rome in 1870 by Italy, the Sapienza has been laicized and turned into a state university, so that on the special occasions when the Master of the Sacred Palace held an examination, e.g. for the purpose of examining all that are to be appointed to episcopal sees in Italy, or again of conferring the title of

soutanes. One of the occasional duties of the Master of the Sacred Palace is performed in conjunction with the auditors of the Rota; namely to watch over the three apertures or "drums" through which the cardinals receive all communications during a conclave. In papal processions, the Master of the Sacred Palace walks next to the auditors, immediately behind the bearer of the papal tiara

Though the office has gradually lost some of its traditional authority and rank, the Master of the Sacred Palace is a very high official. He is one of the three

, which long contained a complete series of portraits in fresco of the Masters of the Sacred Palace, beginning with St. Dominic. These were effaced when the Italian kingdom occupied the Quirinal, but copies of them were put in the temporary apartment of the Master of the Sacred Palace in the Vatican.

Theologians of the Pontifical Household

Masters of the Sacred Apostolic Palace

Theologians of the Pontifical Household


  1. ^ See Pontificalis Domus 7, §4: Magister Sacri Palatii Apostolici munera sua servat; appellabitur autem Pontificalis Domus Doctor Theologus. ("The Master of the Sacred Apostolic Palace keeps his functions; he will be called, however, the Doctor Theologian to the Pontifical Household."
  2. ^ For example: "Frater Iacobus Raynucii sacerdos, fuit graciosus predicator et lector arectinus et castellanus, lucanus, urbevetanus, in Tuscia provintialis vicarius, et perusinus ac etiam romanus in Sancta Sabina tempore quo curia erat in Urbe. Qui et fuit in pluribus capitulis diffinitor, postmodum prior perusinus; demum factus prior in Sancta Sabina, per papam Honorium de Sabello residentem ibidem, propter suam laudabilem vitam et celebrem opinionem que de ipso erat in romana curia, factus est [1286] episcopus florentinus" (Cr Pg 29v). "Fuit magister eximius in theologia et multum famosus in romana curia; qui actu existens lector apud Sanctam Sabinam" (Cr Ov 28) Accessed May 9, 201; "(1988 Emilio Panella) Iacopo di Ranuccio da Castelbuono OP testimone dell??alia lectura fratris Thome?". Archived from the original on 2013-05-23. Retrieved 2013-02-07. Accessed Feb. 1, 2013; Emilio Panella, "Iacopo di Ranuccio da Castelbuono OP, testimone dell’“alia lectura fratris Thome”, «Memorie domenicane» 19 (1988) 369–95; "Frater Hugo de Bidiliomo provincie Francie, magister fuit egregius in theologia et mul<tum> famosus in romana curia; qui actu lector existens apud Sanctam Sabinam, per papam Nicolaum quartum eiusdem ecclesie factus cardinalis" [16.V.1288]; postmodum per Celestinum papain [1294] est ordinatus in episcopum ostiensem (Cr Pg 3r). Accessed Feb. 7, 2013; See also Rome Across Time and Space: Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas, 2011, p. 275. Accessed 2-7-2013; "Frater Nicolaus Brunatii [† 1322] sacerdos et predicator gratiosus, fuit lector castellanus, arectinus, perusinus, urbevetanus et romanus apud Sanctam Sabinam tempore quo papa erat in Urbe, viterbiensis et florentinus in studio generali legens ibidem annis tribus (Cr Pg 37v). Cuius sollicita procuratione conventus perusinus meruit habere gratiam a summo pontifice papa Benedicto XI ecclesiam scilicet et parrochiam Sancti Stephani tempore quo [maggio 13041 ipse prior actu in Perusio erat (Cr Pg 38r). Accessed 2–7, 2013
  3. Thomas Malvenda
    , in whose time the MS. of the Epistles used by the Saint as Master of the Sacred Palace was preserved in Toulouse; Echard; Renazzi; Mortier, etc.
  4. ^ a b Dominicana 1955, p. 115

