Three grand soups

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The three grand soups of the world (世界三大スープ sekai sandai sūpu) is a common term in Japan referring to three types of soup thought to be the best in the world.[1][2][3] The origin of this term is unknown, though it was already in use by the 1980s.[4] Notwithstanding the term, there are four soups referred to as "three grand soups." This is because borscht and tom yam kung are considered to be tied for 3rd place.[5]


Name Image Origin Distinctive ingredients and description
Borscht Ukraine Cabbage and beet-based soup with meat. It is also a national dish of many Eastern and Central European countries such as Belarus, Ukraine and Poland. Borscht was introduced to Japan by Russian writer Vasili Eroshenko.[6]
Bouillabaisse France Traditional
sea robin, European conger
, and other local Mediterranean fishes as well as Provençal herbs and spices.
Shark fin soup China A traditional soup found in Chinese cuisine. Traditionally, Japan is one of the leading shark fin exporting countries.[7] In Japan, since shark meat has been processed into surimi and bone has been processed into dietary supplements, shark finning is not done.[8]
Tom yam kung Thailand A type of Thai soup characterised by its distinct hot and sour flavours. The soup is typically made with
lemongrass. Tom yum flavored ramen is also popular in Japan.[9]

See also


  1. ^ 会話に困らない! 使える「雑談力」1500』西東社編集部、西東社、2016年、p.114
  2. ^ 現代用語の基礎知識、自由国民社、 2000年
  3. ^ "世界の三大スープなのに4つある!混戦する世界を代表するスープとは". オリーブオイルをひとまわし. 2020-02-28. Retrieved 2020-11-14.
  4. ^ Kankeiren, 第 273~284 号 (in Japanese). 1987. p. 30. Retrieved 2020-11-14.
  5. ^ "世界三大スープとは?実は4つある噂と日本の味噌汁のランク入りをチェック!". Travel Note. 2021-05-17. Retrieved 2021-11-10.
  6. ^ 新宿中村屋・伝統の菓史
  7. ^ 松浦章:江戸時代に長崎から中国へ輸出された乾物海産物 関西大学東西学術研究所紀要, 第45輯, 2012.04, pp.47-76
  8. ^ "<サメ漁>気仙沼の漁師ら「反フカヒレキャンペーン」に憤り". 毎日新聞社. 2014-05-25. Archived from the original on 2014-05-28. Retrieved 2014-05-28.
  9. ^ "カップヌードル「パクチー香るトムヤムクン」と「ピリッと生姜のグリーンカレー」が日本全国で発売". タイランドハイパーリンクス. 2020-09-03. Retrieved 2020-11-14.