Treatise Against the Bogomils

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A single page from an old Cyrillic manuscript written with red and black ink
A page from Cosmas the Priest's Sermon Against the Heretics (from National Library of Serbia)

Sermon Against the Heresy (

Church Slavonic: недостоинаѥго козмꙑ презвѵтера бесеѣда на новоѩвивъшѫѭ сѧ ересь богоумилоу), or, in other manuscripts, Sermon of Saint Cosmas Presbyter Against the Heretics, A Discussion and an Instruction from the Books of God.[1]

The treatise is recognised as the earliest

dualistic doctrine. As Catharism originated from Bogomilism, Sermon Against the Heretics is valuable as an insight into Catharism's Balkan predecessor.[2] It is also an important source on life and society in 10th-century Bulgaria,[4] which is described as suffering a major crisis, the glorious days of Peter's father Simeon the Great (r. 893–927) long over.[5]


It has been preserved in 25 full copies, all from East Slavic sources, and 116 excerpts or compilations, some of which are of South Slavic origin.[6] The earliest of the extant copies was made in the 15th century.[3] As attested by the large number of copies, Cosmas' work was particularly popular in medieval Russia and Serbia. There, it was even used as a basis for writings against other heresies.[4]


оучѧтъ же своꙗ си не повиновати сѧ властелемъ своимъ; хоулѧще богатꙑѩ, царь ненавидѧтъ, рѫгаѭтъ сѧ старѣишинамъ, оукарꙗѭтъ болꙗрꙑ, мрьзькꙑ богоу мьнѧтъ работаѭщѧѩ цѣсарю, и вьсꙗкомоу рабоу не велѧтъ работати господиноу своѥмоу.

They teach their followers not to obey their masters; they scorn the rich, they hate the Tsars, they ridicule their superiors, they reproach the boyars, they believe that God looks in horror on those who labour for the Tsar, and advise every serf not to work for his master.[7]

Bulgaria around 950 AD.

Sermon Against the Heretics is divided into two sections, which may be seen as separate works due to their somewhat different topics.

Apostle Paul to debunk the beliefs of Bogomils, he was very likely aware of the sect's ancestral ties to Paulicianism.[9]

The second part of the treatise contains Cosmas' criticism on contemporary Bulgarian society, with particular attention to the religious and social issues of the time. While Cosmas was a staunch supporter of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church's policies against Bogomilism, in the second section he spares no criticism to that religious body's other practices. Cosmas accuses the Bulgarian abbots and bishops of greed, gluttony and neglect towards the congregation.[4] He is also critical of hermits, whose popularity and influence at the time Cosmas saw as inappropriate.[11][12] Cosmas hints that the emergence of Bogomilism should be blamed at least partially on the contemporary state of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.[4][13]

See also


  1. ^ Андреев, p. 210
  2. ^ a b Peters, p. 109
  3. ^ a b c Eteriano, p. 35.
  4. ^ a b c d e f Kazhdan, p. 1153
  5. ^ Loos, pp. 50–51
  6. ^ Sampimon, p. 1
  7. ^ Cosmas Presbyter: Homily Against the Bogumils
  8. ^ Loos, p. 50
  9. ^ a b Андреев, p. 209
  10. ^ Curta, p. 236
  11. ^ Curta, p. 234
  12. ^ Loos, p. 52
  13. ^ Strayer, p. 185
