
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
In development
Education and employment
This user is a university student.
BSThis user has a Bachelor of Science degree.
between the lines.

This user supports the Rebel Alliance.
MP This user is a fan of Monty Python.
42 This user knows that
the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything


Long time browser and occasional publisher, I decided to start making a more positive input so I’ve created a profile.

My life

I study, and work on-campus at Flinders University, SA. As such I take a greater interest in topics pertaining to Adelaide, Education, and student issues.

My views

My political philosophy is leaning either towards a liberal socialist or a property owning democratic, happy with either. I guess the best description of political views is actually a


I am


My interests

Ireland---> My family are Irish.

Australia ---> I live here.

Adelaide---> I also live here.

University---> I work and study in one of these.

Education---> I like to think I contribute to this.

My whatever

Would you like to say somthing then leave me a message.

Im sure I will add more to this latter, perhaps after exams.