User:Flappy Pigeon/The Avira System

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Avira System

The Avira System is a solar system approximately 2.5 light-years from Earth. It consists of a G-type main-sequence star and four planets; the third planet from the star holds sentient life that ranks about 1.3 on the Kardashev scale.



The G-type main-sequence star is called Avira and is about 4.5 billion years old.

Avira I (Aquita)

Avira I is the first planet from Avira, although it is called Aquita by the beings on Avira III. It is similar to Mercury in that temperatures are typically 590° Kelvin, and it has almost no atmosphere. The planet's diminutive size means that its gravity is too weak to hold down an atmosphere. Life probably cannot exist on this planet; however, it cannot be disproven due to the lack of research from humanity and the Avirans on Avira III. It has no moons.

Avira II (Wuhai)

Avira II is the second planet (Wuhai to the Avirans). It has an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, but there are no oceans or indigenous life-forms. Two years ago, it was colonised by the Avirans, who established semi-permanent outposts on the northern icecap and near the equator. It has one moon: Praghui (pronounced PRAR-wee).

Avira III (Zterewa)

Avira III is the third planet (Zterewa (pronounced ZER-oowa) to the Avirans). It is not too dissimilar to Earth, except for its lower atmospheric nitrogen levels, the fact that it has a tropical climate on all areas of the planet, and has no ice caps. It has seven moons; from closest to furthest from Avira III: Kia, Haldro, Facillia (pronounced FAS-illia), Detromane, Retes (pronounced RET-es), Hai (pronounced HIGH-a), and Gharia (pronounced GAR-ia).

Kia is approximately the size of Earth's moon. It has been colonised for 12 years and has a population of 143, mainly geologists who study Kia's dramatic geological and tectonic activity. Tidally locked to Avira III, the only habitable areas on Kia are in the twilight zone, in-between day and night, although its high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels necessitate artificial pockets of breathable air. Aviran law bars anyone from conducting any mining operations on Kia.

Avirans have not colonised Haldro, but an automated research base monitors all activity on the diminutive, 2-kilometre-across moon. Five years ago, a rogue planet blocked out all light from Avira. Solar power is the only energy source for the base, so all the computers ceased to function. After the rogue planet had left the Avira System, an automated rescue mission repaired all damage.

Facillia is the busiest of Avira III's moons. It is heavily industrialised and possesses a thriving mining enterprise. 72% of Avira III's mineral resources originate from Facillia. A mining survey first colonised it five years ago and was almost destroyed en route by the rogue planet that entered the Avira System five years ago.

Avira IV (Afre)

Avira IV (Afre (pronounced AF-ray) to the Avirans) is the only gas giant in the Avira System. It is similar to Saturn and possesses a very prominent ring system; it has 97 moons.

Asteroid Belts

The Avira System possesses two

probes; the latter is comparable to the Kuiper Belt