
This user helped get "Alfie Fripp" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 17 January 2013.
This user helped get "Andreu Mas-Colell" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 30 January 2011.
This user helped get "Augmented-fourths tuning" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 4 July 2012.
This user helped get "C. A. Patrides" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 28 November 2011.
This user helped get "Carl Gershman" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 25 August 2011.
This user helped get "Discipline Global Mobile" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 25 March 2012.
This user helped get "Gang of Four (pro-Contra)" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 19 November 2011.
This user helped get "George Meany" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 3 December 2011.
This user helped get "Graciela Chichilnisky" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 27 January 2011.
This user helped get "Gustav Elfving" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 5–6 April 2011.
This user helped get "Hans Rådström" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 31 December 2011.
This user helped get "Henry Mann" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 1 February 2011.
This user helped get "Ivar Ekeland" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 21 April 2011.
This user helped get "John Rainwater" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 1 April 2012.
This user helped get "Jon Folkman" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 28 October 2010.
This user helped get "Klee–Minty cube" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 4 April 2011.
This user helped get "Major-thirds tuning" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 28 June 2012.
This user helped get "Mikhail Kadets" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 19 December 2011.
This user helped get "Non-convexity" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 7 February 2011.
This user helped get "Overtones tuning" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 23 March 2013.
This user helped get "Peter Orno" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 7-8 May 2012.
This user helped get "Ralph Patt" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 3 September (3×x3) 2012.
This user helped get "Repetitive tuning" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 21 September 2012.
This user helped get "Robert Phelps" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 13–14 April 2011.
This user helped get "Robert V. Hogg" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 24 May 2010.
This user helped get "Shapley–Folkman lemma" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 28 October 2010.
This user helped get "Svante Janson" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 6 July 2010.
This user helped get "Tom Kahn" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 13 June 2011.
This user helped get "Wikipediocracy" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 22 June 2013.
This user helped get "criss-cross algorithm" listed at Did You Know on the main page on 4 April 2011.
This user expanded an unreferenced stub "Discipline Global Mobile" become a good article on 21 March 2012.
This user wrote "Major thirds tuning" become a good article on 28 January 2012.
This user wrote "Ralph Patt" become a good article on 15 October 2012.
This user developed David Eppstein's "Shapley–Folkman lemma" become a good article on 29 January 2011.
This user wrote "Tom Kahn" become a good article on 23 November 2011.
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
This user is no longer active on Wikipedia.

Labor donated

Guard him, ye poetic Powers!
Watch his Minutes, watch his Hours:
Lest your Tuneful Nine inspire him;
Lest poetic Fury fire him

A Panegyric on the New Versification

Nauty Pauty Jack-a-Dandy
Stole a Piece of Sugar-Candy,
From the Grocer's Shoppy-shop,
And away did hoppy-hop.

All ye Poets of the Age!
All ye Witlings of the Stage!
Learn your Jingles to reform!
Crop your Numbers and Conform:
Let your little Verses flow
Gently, Sweetly, Row by Row:
Let the Verse the Subject fit;
Little Subject, Little Wit.

Namby-Pamby is your Guide;
Albion's Joy, Hibernia's Pride.
Namby-Pamby Pilly-piss,
Rhimy pim'd on Missy-Miss;
Tartaretta Tartaree,
From the Navel to the Knee;
That her Father's Gracy-Grace
Might give him a Placy-Place.

He no longer writes of Mammy
Andromache, and her Lammy,
Hanging panging, at the Breast
Of a Matron most distrest.

Now the venal Poet sings
Baby Clouts, and Baby Things;
Baby Dolls, and Baby Houses,
Little Misses, Little Spouses;
Little Play-Things, little Toys,
Little Girls, and little Boys.

As an Actor does his Part,
So the Nurses get by Heart
Namby Pamby's Little Rhimes,
Little Jingle, Little Chimes,
To repeat to Little Miss,
Piddling Ponds of Pissy-Piss;
Cacking-packing like a Lady,
Or Bye-bying in the Crady.

Namby Pamby ne'er will die
While the Nurse sings Lullabye.
Namby Pamby's doubly mild,
Once a Man, and twice a Child;
To his Hanging-Sleeves restor'd;
Now he foots it like a Lord;
Now he pumps his little Wits;
Shitting Writes and Writing Shits,
All by little tiny Bits.

Now methinks I hear him say,
Boys and Girls come out to Play!
Moon do's shine as bright as Day.

Now my Namby Pamby's found
Sitting on the Friar's Ground,
Picking Silver, Picking Gold,
Namby Pamby's never old.

Bally-Cally they begin,
Namby Pamby still keeps in.
Namby Pamby is no Clown,
London-Bridge is broken down:
Now he courts the gay Ladee,
Dancing o'er the Lady-Lee.

Now he sings of Lick-spit Lyar
Burning in the Brimstone Fire;
Lyar, Lyar! Lick-spit, lick,
Turn about the Candlestick!

Now he sings of Jacky Horner,
Sitting in the Chimney-Corner,
Eating of a Christmas-Pie,
Putting in his Thumb, Oh, fie!
Putting in, Oh, fie! his Thumb,
Pulling out, Oh, strange! a Plumb.

Now he plays at Stee, Staw, Stud,
Sticking Apples in the Mud:
When 'tis turn'd to Stee, Staw, Stire,
Then he sticks 'em in the Mire.

Now he acts the Grenadier,
Calling for a Pot of Beer;
Where's his Money? He's forgot:
Get him gone, a Drunken Sot.

Now on Cock-horse does he ride;
And anon on Timber stride,
See-and-Saw, and Sacch'ry down,
London is a gallant Town!

Now he gathers Riches in,
Thicker, faster, Pin by Pin:
Pins a-piece to see his Show,
Boys and Girls flock Row by Row;
From their Cloaths the Pins they take,
Risque a Whipping for his sake;
From their Frocks the Pins they pull,
To fill Namby's Cushion full.

So much Wit at such an Age,
Does a Genius great presage,
Second Childhood gone and past,
Shou'd he prove a Man at last!
What must second Manhood be,
In a Child so bright as he?

Guard him, ye poetic Powers!
Watch his Minutes, watch his Hours:
Lest your Tuneful Nine inspire him;
Lest poetic Fury fire him:
Let the Poets, one and all,
To his Genius Victims fall.

— Wikipedian —
Then, blessing all, 'Go, children of my care!
To practice now from theory repair. 580
All my commands are easy, short, and full:
My sons! be proud, be selfish, and be dull.
Guard my prerogative, assert my throne:
This nod confirms each privilege your own.
Education and employment
Occupationmathematical scientist and scientific statistician
Hobbies, favourites and beliefs
Hobbiesmusic, playing guitar
Aliasesresponds to "KW", "Kiefer", "Wolfie", etc.


I like epigraphs!

"true eloquence I find to be none, but the serious and hearty love of truth: And that whose mind so ever is fully possest with a fervent desire to know good things, and with the dearest charity to infuse knowledge of them into others, when such a man would speak, his words (by what I can expresse) like so many nimble and airy servitors trip about him at command, and in well order'd files, as he would wish, fall aptly into their own places."

"when complaints are freely heard, deeply considered and speedily reformed, then is the utmost bound of civil liberty attained that wise men look for." "For he who freely magnifies what hath been nobly done, and fears not to declare as freely what might be done better, gives ye the best covenant of his fidelity."


Puritans set high standards in the Westminster Larger Catechism

About Me

Name "Kiefer.Wolfowitz"

optimal design of statistical experiments and also the "Kiefer-Wolfowitz" methods of stochastic approximation
(estimating an optimum when using only noisy function evaluations).

Professional interests

I am a statistician by profession and a mathematical scientist by schooling and avocation.


optimal experiments

History in encyclopedia articles

Some thoughts (following some edits of

fringe economics


The first

D'Alembert, Encyclopedias
have striven to cover the best currently available thought and to sketch the development of these thoughts.

Immanuel Kant wrote an essay "Idea towards a universal history with a cosmopolitan intent" (along with "What Is Enlightenment?").


Charles Sanders Peirce wrote extensively on the history of science:

  • Peirce, C. S., Historical Perspectives on Peirce's Logic of Science: A History of Science, 2 vols., Carolyn Eisele, ed., Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin, New York, Amsterdam, 1985, x + 1,131 pages, hardcover (ISBN 978-0899250342, ISBN 0899250343).

His familiarity with science, as a practitioner and as a historian "at close quarters", helped him to formulate and to give an improved account of the scientific method, which accounted for progress in mathematics, logic, and science:

  • (1877–1878), "Illustrations of the Logic of Science" (series), Popular Science Monthly, vols. 12–13:
    • (1877 November), "The Fixation of Belief", Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, pp. 1–15. Reprinted (CLL 7–31), (CP 5.358–387), (PWP 5–22), (SW 91–112), (W 3:242–257), (EP 1:109–123), (PSWS 144–159). Eprint. Internet Archive Eprint. Wikisource:The Fixation of Belief.
    • (1878 January), "How to Make Our Ideas Clear", Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, pp. 286–302. Reprinted (CLL 32–60), (CP 5.388–410), (PWP 23–41), (SW 113–136), (W 3:257–276), (EP 1:124–141), (PSWS 160–179). Wikisource:How to Make Our Ideas Clear. Arisbe Eprint. Internet Archive Eprint.
    • (1878 March), "The Doctrine of Chances", Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, March issue, pp. 604–615. Reprinted (CLL 61-81), (CP 2.645-668), (W 3:276-290), (EP 1:142-154). Internet Archive Eprint. Selections plus CP 2.661-668 and CP 2.758, published as "The Doctrine of Chances With Later Reflections", PWP 157-173.
    • (1878 April), "The Probability of Induction", Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, pp. 705–718. Reprinted (CLL 82-105), (CP 2.669-693), (PWP 174-189), (EP 1:155-169). Internet Archive Eprint.
    • (1878 June), "The Order of Nature", Popular Science Monthly, v. 13, pp. 203–217. Reprinted (CLL 106-130), (CP 6.395-427), (EP 1:170-185). Internet Archive Eprint.
    • (1878 August), "Deduction, Induction, and Hypothesis", Popular Science Monthly, v. 13, pp. 470–482. Reprinted (CLL 131-156), (CP 2.619-644), (EP 1:186-199). Internet Archive Eprint.
  • (1883), "A Theory of Probable Inference", Studies in Logic, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, pp. 126-181. Reprinted (CP 2.694-754),(W 4:408-453).

Peirce's student, John Dewey, adapted some of Peirce's ideas—any changes always being for the worse. (Dewey's politics were excellent, however: He supported unions in the Pullman Strike, was a founder of the League for Industrial Democracy, defended victims of Soviet communism and Stalinist purges, etc.).


Alasdair MacIntyre has written about the philosophy of science:

  • MacIntyre, Alasdair (1977). "Epistemological crises, dramatic narrative and the philosophy of science in historicism and epistemology" (PDF). The Monist. 60 (4). La Salle, Illinois: 453–472. Reprinted as chapter 1 "Epistemological crises, dramatic narrative and the philosophy of science" in Macintyre's 2006. The tasks of philosophy: Selected essays, volume 1. Cambridge University Press.

MacIntyre has written several philosophically sophisticated histories of ethics:

*1971. Against the Self-Images of the Age: Essays on Ideology and Philosophy. London: Duckworth. This collection has less concern with historical philosophy but is brilliant.

MacIntyre has acknowledged the genius of Peirce's account of progress in the last decades.


I prefer accessing these references here, rather than asking the search engine for help.



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