Vladimir III Igorevich

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Vladimir III Igorevich (October 8, 1170– c. 1211)

Prince of Galicia. He was the son of Igor Svyatoslavich and Euphrosyne Yaroslavna


He was with his father during his campaign against the Cumans on 13 April 1185, immortalized in the

Konchak. The Tale of Igor’s Campaign describes how, after Igor escaped from captivity, Gzak and Konchak debated whether to kill Vladimir or entice him into marrying a Cuman maiden:[2]

Says Gzak to Končak:
the falcon [Igor] flies to its nest, —
let us shoot the falconet [Vladimir]
with our gilded arrows.”

Said Končak to Gzak:
“If the falcon flies to its nest,
let us snare the falconet
with a beautiful maiden.”

And said Gzak to Končak:
“If we snare him with a beautiful maiden,
we will have neither the falconet,
nor will we have the beautiful maiden,
so that the birds will begin to strike us
in the field of the Cumans.”

— The Lay of Igor’s Campaign[3]

The Tale of Igor’s Campaign ends with Vladimir still captive to the khans.[2] In the autumn of 1188, he returned home from captivity with Khan Konchak’s daughter Svoboda.[1] Soon after, on 26 September, Rurik Rostislavich organized festivities to celebrate Vladimir’s wedding to Svoboda, attended by the rest of his family.[1]

Marriage and children

c. 1188: Svoboda, a daughter of Khan Konchak of the Donets Cumans[1]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Dimnik, Martin. The Dynasty of Chernigov - 1146-1246.
  2. ^ a b Owens, Katherine. “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign and the Works It Has Inspired” in Vestnik: The Journal of Russian and Asian Studies. 2005.
  3. ^ Translated from the original text: «Молъвитъ Гза къ Кончакови: — "Аже соколъ къ гнѣзду летитъ, соколича рострѣляевѣ своими злачеными стрелами." Рече Кончакъ ко Гзѣ: — "Аже соколъ къ гнѣзду летитъ, а вѣ сокольца опутаевѣ красньою дѣвицею." И рече Гзакъ къ Кончакови: — "Аше его опутаевѣ красною дѣвицею, ни нама будетъ сокольца ни нама красны дѣвице: то почнутъ наю птици бити въ полѣ Половецкомъ."» Published in Magnus, Leonard A., The Tale of the Armament of Igor, 1915.


Preceded by
Prince of Putivl

1180-1211 or after
Succeeded by
Izyaslav Vladimirovich
Preceded by
Prince of Galicia

Succeeded by
Roman II Igorevich
Preceded by
Prince of Galicia

Succeeded by