Ahmed Skirej

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Ahmed Sukayrij or Abu-l-Abbas Ahmed ibn al-Iyyashi Sukayrij al-Khazraji Al-Ansari al-Fasi (1878–1944) was a well known Moroccan Sufi scholar and judge.

Maliki legal school of thought (madhab) for Morocco. Not only this, but he is placed alongside Ibrahim niasse on one of the major shaykhs of the tijani Tariqah. The shaykh wrote around 160 books which includes a 20,000 line Nazm on suyuuti's “Khasā’is al kubra” and a 500 line nazm on both a busiri's qasidah burdah and Qadi Iyad
’s book “shifa”. the shaykh had more than 600 Ijazahs and before his death, the shaykh saw qadi ‘iyad in a vision and asked to be buried like him (qadi ‘iyad).

Books by Ahmed Skirej


  1. ^ Temsamani, Abdelaziz Khalouk, "Hayât al-qâdî Ahmad Skîrj wa âthâruhu" (Vie et œuvre d'Ahmed Skirej:1878–1944), Majallat dâr an-niyâba 9 (1986), pp. 49–57

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