Annals of the Cakchiquels

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Annals of the Cakchiquels
mythological components — is considered an important historical document on post-classic Maya civilization in the highlands of Guatemala

The manuscript, initially kept by the Xahil

The mythical and legendary part of the manuscript, which must have been orally preserved for centuries, was finally collected and preserved by members of the Xahil tinamit or lineage. The historical narrative continues with the exploits of kings and warriors and their various conquests, the founding of villages, and the succession of rulers up to the time of the Spanish Conquest.

Like the

Kʼicheʼ rulers forcing the King Qʼuicab the Great to leave Chaiviar (Chichicastenango), and migrate to the Ratzamut Mountains to found Iximché, which remained the new Kaqchikel capital until the arrival of the conquistadores. The Kaqchikel document continues with an account of their journeys and the places through which they passed along the way, ending with a sober, factual account of the Conquest. This is the native story of the Conquest of Guatemala
from the point of view of the vanquished.


  1. ^ a b Brinton, Daniel G. (2007) [1885]. The Annals of the Cakchiquels. (in Kaqchikel and English). Translated by Daniel Brinton. Philadelphia: Project Gutenberg, 2007. pp. 54–55, 59.
  2. ^ Recinos, Adrián (1950). Memorial de Sololá, Anales de los cakchiqueles; traducción directa del original, introducción y notas de Adrián Recinos. Título de los señores de Totonicapán; traducción del original quiché por Dionisio José Chonay, introducción y notas de Adrián Recinos. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica.

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