Background noise

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
background noise
motor sounds wave

Background noise or ambient noise is any sound other than the sound being monitored (primary sound). Background noise is a form of noise pollution or interference. Background noise is an important concept in setting noise levels.

Background noises include

power supplies, and motors

The prevention or reduction of background noise is important in the field of

sound reproduction

Other uses

In astronomy, background noise or cosmic background radiation is electromagnetic radiation from the sky with no discernible source.

In information architecture, irrelevant, duplicate or incorrect information may be called background noise.


signal noise can be detrimental or in some cases beneficial. The study of avoiding, reducing or using signal noise is information theory

In telephony, artificial comfort noise is used as a substitute for natural background noise, to fill in artificial silence created by discontinuous transmission systems using voice activity detection. Background noise can also affect concentration.

See also

External links