Brda (Montenegro)

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Brda (

Kuči, the Bratonožići, the Moračani and the Rovčani
. Collectively known as "the seven tribes" (Montenegrin and Serbian: Седам племена, Sedam plemena) or "the seven hills" (Montenegrin and Serbian: Седморо Брда, Sedmoro brda), they were referred to as "Highlander tribes" (Montenegrin and Serbian: Брдска племена, Brdska plemena) before their gradual integration into Montenegro, from the late 18th to the early 20th century. As a result, members of these tribes are also often called "Highlanders" (Montenegrin and Serbian: Брђани, Brđani).


Brda (Montenegro) is located in Montenegro

Today, the Brda region geographically includes the central-eastern, eastern and north-eastern parts of the territory of the highlands in the higher mountainous Montenegro. The territory is approximately 3500 km2, in which ca. 100,000 people live today.

The region includes the northern part of

Zlatica, Zagorič and Rogami, and neighbourhood Spuž, and cities Danilovgrad, Kolašin, Berane and Andrijevica, and also villages such as Bioče, Murina and Mateševo


The Gorska župa ("mountainous county") was mentioned in Stefan the First-Crowned's charter to the Žiča monastery (1220), with the town of Golič. With the Ottoman conquest, parts of the region was organized into the Sanjak of Montenegro (1514–28) and Sanjak of Scutari.[citation needed]

The burning of

Serb Uprising of 1596–97). It was suppressed due to lack of foreign support.[2]

Venetian public servant

Klimenti, Hoti and Gruda allied themselves with the Republic of Venice, establishing the so-called "Seven-fold barjak" or "alaj-barjak", against the Ottomans.[5]

It is claimed that

Karposh's Rebellion).[7] Süleyman entered Cetinje again in 1692, again with the help of the Brđani, and pushed out the Venetians, reasserting his rule over Montenegro which had been under Venetian protection.[6] At that time, the Brđani had little respect of their co-religious tribal neighbours, as plunder was their main income.[6] Plav, Gusinje, and the Orthodox population in those regions suffered the most from the Klimenti's attacks.[6]

In 1774, in the same month of the death of Šćepan Mali,[8] Mehmed Pasha Bushati attacked the Kuči and Bjelopavlići,[9] but was decisively defeated and returned to Scutari.[8]

Documents, especially the letter of Ivan Radonjić from 1789, show that the Montenegrins were identified as Serbs, and that the Banjani, Kuči, Piperi, Bjelopavlići, Zećani, Vasojevići, Bratonožići were not identified as "Montenegrins". They were all mentioned only in a regional, geographical, and tribal manner, and never as an ethnic category.[10]

In 1794, the Kuči and Rovčani were devastated by the Ottomans.

Moračani and Rovčani, advising them to live peacefully and in solidarity.[13]

During the

Pivljani rose against the Ottomans and burnt down villages in Herzegovina.[14] The Rovca and Lower and Upper Morača tribes were incorporated into Montenegro only in 1820, after the defeat of the Ottoman army at the Morača river, and Vasojevići
even later, in 1858.

Knjaz Danilo was assassinated in August, 1860 as he was boarding a ship at the port of Kotor. The assassin, Chief Todor Kadić of the Bjelopavlići, was said to be assisted by Austrian authorities in carrying out the assassination. Some speculate that there was a personal feud between the two, the fact that Danilo had an affair with Todor's wife and the ongoing mistreatment of the Bjelopavlići tribe by Danilo's guards and his forces.[20]


Bjelopavlići and the rest of the Hills (Seven hills) was joined into the state during the rule of Peter I, it was officially called "Black Mountain (Montenegro) and the Hills".[16] In Danilo I's Code, dated to 1855, he explicitly states that he is the "knjaz (duke, prince) and gospodar (lord) of the Free Black Mountain (Montenegro) and the Hills".[19]

See also


  1. ^ Bataković 1996, p. 33.
  2. ^ Ćorović, Vladimir (2001) [1997]. "Преокрет у држању Срба". Историја српског народа (in Serbian). Belgrade: Јанус.
  3. ^ Elsie, p. 152
  4. ^ Марко Миљанов (1904). Племе Кучи у народној причи и пјесми. а Кучи су се, јамачно под повољнијем условима, измирили између 1614. и
  5. ^ a b Mitološki zbornik. Centar za mitološki studije Srbije. 2004. pp. 24, 41–45.
  6. ^ a b c d Karadžić. Vol. 2–4. Štamparija Mate Jovanovnića Beograd. 1900. p. 74. Дрногорци су пристали уз Турке против Клемената и њихових савезника Врћана20), а седамдесет и две године касније, 1685. год., СулеЈман паша Бушатлија успео је да продре на Цетиње само уз припо- моћ Брђана, који су били у завади с Црногорцима.*7! То исто догодило се 1692. год., кад је Сулејман-пагаа поново изишао на Цетиње, те одатле одагнао Млечиће и умирио Црну Гору, коЈ"а је била пристала под заштиту млетачке републике.*8) 0 вери Бр- ђани су мало водили рачуна, да не нападају на своје саплеме- нике, јер им је плен био главна сврха. Од клементашких пак напада нарочито највише су патили Плаво, Гусиње и православнн живаљ у тим крајевима.
  7. ^ Belgrade (Serbia). Vojni muzej Jugoslovenske narodne armije (1968). Fourteen centuries of struggle for freedom. The Military Museum. p. xxviii.
  8. ^ a b Zapisi. Cetinjsko istorijsko društvo. 1939. Истога мјесеца кад је Шћепан погинуо удари на Куче везир скадарски Мехмед - паша Бушатлија , но с великом погибијом би сузбијен и врати се у Скадар .
  9. ^ Летопис Матице српске. У Српској народној задружној штампарији. 1898. Године 1774. везир скадарски Мехмед паша Бушатлија ударио је на Куче и Бјелопавлиће, који позваше у помоћ Црногорце те произиђе због овога међу Црном Гором и Арбанијом велики бој и Арбанаси су се повукли ...
  10. ^ Vukčević 1981, p. 46

    ... да Бан>ани, Дробн>аци, Кучи, Пи- пери, Б)елопавлићи, Зепани, Васо^евићи, Братоножићи нијесу Црно- горци. Они су сви поменути само као регионални односно географски и племенски појмови а никако као етничка категорща, при чему се ш^му Црна Гора не даје никакво преимућство над другима, осим што ^е Црна Гора ставлена на прво мјесто.

  11. ^ a b Barjaktarović 1984, p. 28
  12. ^ Ferdo Čulinović (1954). Državnopravna historija jugoslavenskih zemalja XIX i XX vijeka: knj. Srbija, Crna Gora, Makedonija, Jugoslavija, 1918-1945. Školska knjiga.
  13. ^ a b Barjaktarović 1984, p. 29
  14. ^ Vojislav Korać (1971). Trebinje: Istorijski pregled. Zavičajni muzej. p. 304.
  15. ^ a b Miller, p. 142
  16. ^ a b Etnografski institut (Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti) (1952). Posebna izdanja, Volumes 4-8. Naučno delo. p. 101. Када, за владе Петра I, црногорсксу држави приступе Б^елопавлиЬи, па после и остала Брда, онда je, званично, „Црна Гора и Брда"
  17. ^ Miller, p. 144
  18. ^ a b c d Miller, p. 218
  19. ^ a b Stvaranje, 7–12. Obod. 1984. p. 1422. Црне Горе и Брда историјска стварност коЈа се не може занема- рити, што се види из назива Законика Данила I, донесеног 1855. године који гласи: „ЗАКОНИК ДАНИЛА I КЊАЗА И ГОСПОДАРА СЛОБОДНЕ ЦРНЕ ГОРЕ И БРДА".
  20. .


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