Ecce Homo (Rubens)

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Ecce Homo (c. 1612) by Rubens

Ecce Homo or Christ Wearing the Crown of Thorns is an oil on oak panel painting of the

Ecce Homo subject by Peter Paul Rubens, executed c. 1612, now in the Hermitage Museum, in Saint Petersburg.[1] The Hermitage also houses an oil study for its figure of Pilate.[2]

Originally commissioned by cardinal Massimego, Christ's pose was influenced by the statue of a centaur in the

Nikolai Kushelev-Bezborodko
bequested the collection to the Academy of Arts.


  1. ^ "Catalogue entry".
  2. ^ "Catalogue entry".
  3. ^ (in Polish) H.G. Evers, Peter Paul Rubens, Monachium 1942
  4. ^ (in German) E Keiser Rubens, Münchener Silen und seine Vorstufen t. XIII 1938–1939