Eliezer ben Jose

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Eliezer ben Jose (

Jewish rabbi who lived in Judea in the 2nd century CE. He was the son of Jose the Galilean, and is regarded as a tanna of the fourth generation. He was a pupil of Rabbi Akiva.[1]

Career and teachings

While he cultivated both the

hermeneutic rules as guides in interpreting the Scriptures (the Baraita on the Thirty-two Rules), some of which are adaptations of those of his predecessors, and thus applicable to Halakha as well as to aggadah. Those specifically homiletical are based on syntactical or phraseological or similar peculiarities of the Biblical texts that constitute the substance of the Midrashim

Like his colleagues, at the close of the first academic session after the

Jethro ["the Kenite"[10]] had shown kindness? But the Bible here implies the rule that whoso deals kindly with any one of the spiritual heads of Israel, to him it is accounted as if he had done so to the whole people".[11]

With reference to the

Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem,"[12] he remarks, "Was it not Moses who brought up those bones?[13] But this teaches that where one starts a good deed and fails to complete it, another party performing the unfinished part, the whole deed is credited to the latter".[14]

He counsels that one should advance or postpone a journey in order to enjoy the company of a good man; and likewise to avoid the company of a bad one.[15]

Baraita of the Thirty-Two Rules

The Baraita of the Thirty-Two Rules, or Baraita of R. Eliezer ben Jose ha-Gelili, is a

is interpreted. The opening of the text is attributed to R. Eliezer ben Jose; modern opinions vary as to how much of it was in fact composed by Jose or his students.


  1. Eliezer ben Jacob
  2. Sanhedrin
    1:2; Sanhedrin 3b
  3. ^ Hullin 89a; Yerushalmi Kiddushin 1 61d; Pesikta Rabbati 10 38b; compare Jastrow, "Dict." s.v.
  4. ^ Psalms 10:3, literally "He blesses the covetous one, he spurns the Lord"
  5. ^ Deuteronomy 1:17
  6. ^ Tosefta, Sanhedrin 1:3; Sanhedrin 6b; Yerushalmi Sanhedrin 1 18b
  7. ^ II Samuel 6:12
  8. ^ Berachot 63b
  9. ^ II Samuel 15:6
  10. ^ see Judges 1:16, 4:11
  11. ^ Cant. Rabbah 2:5; compare Leviticus Rabbah 34:8
  12. ^ Joshua 24:32
  13. ^ Exodus 13:19
  14. ^ Genesis Rabbah 85:3; compare Sotah 13b; Tanhuma, 'Ekev 6
  15. ^ Tosefta Shabbat 17:2,3; Tosefta 'Avodah Zarah 1:17,18