Filled Julia set

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The filled-in Julia set of a polynomial is a Julia set and its interior, non-escaping set.

Formal definition

The filled-in Julia set of a polynomial is defined as the set of all points of the dynamical plane that have

bounded orbit
with respect to

Relation to the Fatou set

The filled-in Julia set is the

attractive basin of infinity



In other words, the filled-in Julia set is the complement of the unbounded Fatou component:

Relation between Julia, filled-in Julia set and attractive basin of infinity


attractive basin of infinity
where: denotes the
= exterior of filled-in Julia set = set of escaping points for

If the filled-in Julia set has no interior then the Julia set coincides with the filled-in Julia set. This happens when all the critical points of are pre-periodic. Such critical points are often called Misiurewicz points.


  • Rabbit Julia set with spine
    Rabbit Julia set with spine
  • Basilica Julia set with spine
    Basilica Julia set with spine

The most studied polynomials are probably those of the form , which are often denoted by , where is any complex number. In this case, the spine of the filled Julia set is defined as arc between -fixed point and ,

with such properties:

  • spine lies inside .[1] This makes sense when is connected and full[2]
  • spine is invariant under 180 degree rotation,
  • spine is a finite topological tree,
  • Critical point always belongs to the spine.[3]
  • -fixed point is a landing point of external ray of angle zero ,
  • is landing point of external ray .

Algorithms for constructing the spine:

  • detailed version is described by A. Douady[4]
  • Simplified version of algorithm:
    • connect and within by an arc,
    • when has empty interior then arc is unique,
    • otherwise take the shortest way that contains .[5]

Curve :

divides dynamical plane into two components.


  • Filled Julia set for fc, c=1−φ=−0.618033988749…, where φ is the Golden ratio
    Filled Julia set for fc, c=1−φ=−0.618033988749…, where φ is the Golden ratio
  • Filled Julia with no interior = Julia set. It is for c=i.
    Filled Julia with no interior = Julia set. It is for c=i.
  • Filled Julia set for c=−1+0.1*i. Here Julia set is the boundary of filled-in Julia set.
    Filled Julia set for c=−1+0.1*i. Here Julia set is the boundary of filled-in Julia set.
  • Douady rabbit
  • Filled Julia set for c = −0.8 + 0.156i.
    Filled Julia set for c = −0.8 + 0.156i.
  • Filled Julia set for c = 0.285 + 0.01i.
    Filled Julia set for c = 0.285 + 0.01i.
  • Filled Julia set for c = −1.476.
    Filled Julia set for c = −1.476.




  1. Peitgen Heinz-Otto, Richter, P.H. : The beauty of fractals: Images of Complex Dynamical Systems. Springer-Verlag 1986. .
  2. Bodil Branner : Holomorphic dynamical systems in the complex plane. Department of Mathematics Technical University of Denmark, MAT-Report no. 1996-42.