Formations of the Soviet Army

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military formations

The Soviets used the term "Театр войны," Theatre of War (TV), to describe a large area of the world in which there might be several teatr voennykh deistvii, (TVDs) usually translated as theatres of military action/operations.[1] Generally this concept equates to the largest extent of what Western thinkers would describe as a Theater (warfare).


Military districts of the Soviet Union in 1991
  • Urals Military Districts apparently form the wartime Central Reserve."[21] If war had broken out, the most combat-ready formations within any MD would conduct operations in adjacent theatres under the direction of the appropriate TVD headquarters, while the MD itself would continue to form, equip, and train new military formations for subsequent service abroad while also maintaining domestic political and economic order and conducting local defence.[22]
  • Group of Forces (in Eastern Europe). These peacetime administrative units would provide support to between one and six fronts during wartime.[citation needed] Groups of forces in Eastern Europe included the Central Group of Forces (Czechoslovakia), the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, the Northern Group of Forces (Poland), and the Southern Group of Forces (Balkans initially, then Hungary).[23]
  • Front: the largest wartime field formation, equivalent to an army group in many other forces. The Imperial Russian Army designated "fronts" in World War I; the Soviets used the concept from the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922 onwards. A frontal Air Army was "ordinarily assigned to each Front (Army Group) of the ground forces, to provide cover, support, interdiction, and reconnaissance for the appropriate sector of the front. In peacetime, those military districts designated for activation, as fronts in wartime are generally each assigned a tactical air army."[24]
  • Army: the largest peacetime field formation. Each army was designated a combined arms army or a tank army. During World War II, the Fortified Region usually corresponded to an Army frontage formation. See Karelian Fortified Region and Kiev Fortified Region.
  • Mechanised, Tank, and Airborne Corps. There were also corps as part of the Soviet Air Forces and the Soviet Air Defence Forces. The 64th Fighter Aviation Corps was formed to fight in the Korean War
    , 1950–53.
    • Rifle Corps: formations that existed in the pre-Revolutionary Imperial Russian Army were inherited by the Red Army.
    • The formation of large mechanised or tank formations in the Soviet Union was first suggested based on development of doctrine for publication as PU-36, the field regulations of 1936, largely authored by Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky. The Red Army put the concept into practice where "In the attack tanks must be employed in mass", envisaged as "Strategic cavalry".[25] Although the name of "mechanised" may seem to the modern reader as referring to the infantry components of the Corps, in 1936 the term referred to armoured vehicles only[26] with the word "motorised" referring to the units equipped with trucks.
  • list of Soviet Army divisions 1989-91. By the middle of the 1980s the Ground Forces contained about 210 manoeuvre divisions. About three-quarters were motor rifle divisions and the remainder tank divisions.[27]

Administrative groupings

"For administrative purposes, the Soviet ground forces comprise[d] three categories: combat arms branches (troops), special troops, and services."[28]

From the 1950s to the 1980s the branches ("rods") of the Ground Forces included the Motor Rifle Troops; the Soviet Airborne Forces, from April 1956 to March 1964; Air Assault Troops (Airborne Assault Formations of the Ground Forces of the USSR [ru], from 1968 to August 1990); the Tank Troops; the Rocket Forces and Artillery [ru] (Ракетные войска и артиллерия СССР, from 1961, including artillery observation units); Army Aviation, until December 1990; Signals Troops; the Engineer Troops; the Air Defence Troops of the Ground Forces (see Air Defence Troops of the Russian Ground Forces and ru:Войска противовоздушной обороны Сухопутных войск СССР); the Chemical Troops; and the Rear of the Ground Forces.[29]

The special troops (ru:Специальные войска) - Engineer (but see above); Signal - Communication Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union;[30] Russian Signal Troops); Chemical (but see above); Motor Transport; Railroad, and Road Troops "provide[d] combat support to the combined arms field forces of the ground forces. They also support the other components of the armed forces. For this reason, they are administered centrally from directorates in the MOD."[31]

Services included Medical Troops; veterinary; topographical survey (военно-топографическую службу); finance, military justice; band (Military Band Service Directorate (or Directorate of Military Music) in the MOD); intendance (quartermaster); and administrative.[32]

Road Troops (ru:Дорожные войска); and the Pipeline Troops; plus army dogs and veterinary troops.[33]

Other branches might have included Cavalry; smoke troops; army propaganda troops; fortification engineers and fortification signals; military field police; military academies; mobilisation processing personnel (including Voenkomats, Military_commissariats);

See also


  1. ^ Odom 1998, pp. 29, 33.
  2. ^ Arkhomeyev 1986, p. 711.
  3. ^ Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 encyclopedic dictionary, Soviet Encyclopaedia (publisher), Moscow, 1985, p.208.
  4. ^ Glantz 2005, p. 478.
  5. ^ Harrison 2022, p. 316.
  6. ^ Harrison 2022, p. 321.
  7. ^ Hill 2005, pp. 120–121.
  8. ^ Hill 2005, p. xxi.
  9. ^ Sadykiewicz, Michael. "Soviet Far East High Command: A New Developmental Factor in the USSR Military Strategy toward East Stia." Asian Perspective 6, no. 2 (1982): 29-71; Feskov et al 2013.
  10. ^ Holm 2015.
  11. ^ Harrison 2022, p. 374.
  12. ^ Harrison's source note is VE, 2: 418, which is probably Военная энциклопедия в 8 томах. Т. 2: Вавилония — Гюйс / Гл. ред. комиссии П. С. Грачёв. — М.: Воениздат, 1994. — 544 с. — ISBN 5-203-00299-1.
  13. ^ Warner, Bonan & Packman 1984, p. 17.
  14. ^ a b Feskov et al 2013, p. 92.
  15. ^ a b Feskov et al 2013, p. 93.
  16. ^ Tereschenko 1993.
  17. ^ Tereschenko, M.N. (1993). "In the western direction. How the main commands of the directions were created and acted" [Na Zapadnom Napravlenii. Kak Sozdavalis' i Deistvovali Glavnye Komandovaniya Napravlenii]. VIZh (Military History Journal, :ru:Военно-исторический журнал) (5): 13. cited in Harrison 2022, 418.
  18. ^ "Максимов Юрий Павлович". Retrieved 2022-10-09.
  19. Department of Defense (United States) (March 1986). Soviet Military Power
    (PDF). pp. 12–14.
  20. ^ Warner, Bonan & Packman 1984, pp. 15, 20.
  21. ^ Warner, Bonan & Packman 1984, p. vii.
  22. ^ Warner, Bonan & Packman 1984, p. 20.
  23. ^ Warner, Bonan & Packman 1984.
  24. ^ Garthoff, Raymond L. (February 1, 1958). "How the Soviets Organize Their Airpower". Air and Space Forces Magazine. Retrieved 2022-10-19.
  25. ^ Simpkin 1987, p. 179.
  26. ^ Simpkin 1987, p. 180.
  27. ^ M J Orr, The Russian Ground Forces and Reform 1992–2002, January 2003, Conflict Studies Research Centre, UK Defence Academy, Sandhurst, p.1
  28. ^ The Soviet Army: Troops, Organization, and Equipment. FM 100-2-3, June 1991. Washington DC: Department of the Army, 1-2.
  29. ^ Feskov et al 2004, p. 21.
  30. ^ Feskov et al 2013, pp. 309–319.
  31. ^ FM 100-2-3.
  32. ^ FM 100-2-3.
  33. ^ See for today's Russian equivalent Organisation Veterinary-Sanitary department : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


Further reading