
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

gherkin, sliced beetroot, and rollmops

Labskaus (German:

gherkin, or even herring into it, while others have these ingredients as side dishes.[1][2]


The origin of this word is uncertain. One possible source for the name could be

sailors during the time of the great ships. Potatoes and salted meats were standard fare and labskaus would stretch the meat supply. Labskaus is now commonly served in restaurants only on Germany's northern coast, as well as in traditional Danish
restaurants. Compare with scouse.[citation needed]


Labskaus with fried egg

The meal is traditionally prepared by boiling the beef in broth and then mincing it with the beetroot, onions, boiled potatoes and herring (some recipes use ham). Finally the base is fried in lard, condiments as nutmeg, pepper, coriander, or allspice are added.[3][4]

The dish is similar to the British hash.

Countless variations of the dish exist. For example, in

Bremen, 95 kilometres (59 mi) away from Hamburg, Labskaus usually is a preparation of fried corned beef, onions and mashed potatoes with the beetroot and Rollmops being served as a side dish.[5]

Variations of the dish are also to be found in

beef stew often made with gravy, or in some cases other types of stew,[6] more or less identical to the Liverpudlian scouse

See also


  1. ^ a b "Labskaus in Hamburg (German)". SPIEGEL Online. Der Spiegel. August 27, 2010.
  2. .
  3. ^ "Labskaus mit Rote-Bete-Salat, recipe". NDR.
  4. .
  5. ^ "labskaus". German Culture. January 31, 2017. Retrieved September 11, 2022.
  6. ^ "Lapskaus: a Hearty Norwegian Stew". Nordic Nibbler. November 8, 2010. Retrieved September 23, 2022.

External links

  • The dictionary definition of Labskaus at Wiktionary