Product of rings

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


componentwise operations. It is a direct product in the category of rings

Since direct products are defined up to an isomorphism, one says colloquially that a ring is the product of some rings if it is isomorphic to the direct product of these rings. For example, the Chinese remainder theorem may be stated as: if m and n are coprime integers, the quotient ring is the product of and


An important example is Z/nZ, the

ring of integers modulo n. If n is written as a product of prime powers (see Fundamental theorem of arithmetic

where the pi are distinct

to the product

This follows from the Chinese remainder theorem.


If R = ΠiI Ri is a product of rings, then for every i in I we have a

surjective ring homomorphism pi : RRi which projects the product on the i th coordinate. The product R together with the projections pi has the following universal property

if S is any ring and fi : SRi is a ring homomorphism for every i in I, then there exists precisely one ring homomorphism f : SR such that pi ∘ f = fi for every i in I.

This shows that the product of rings is an instance of products in the sense of category theory.

When I is finite, the underlying additive group of ΠiI Ri coincides with the

, the inclusion map RiR fails to map 1 to 1 and hence is not a ring homomorphism.

(A finite coproduct in the

free product of algebras

Direct products are commutative and associative up to natural isomorphism, meaning that it doesn't matter in which order one forms the direct product.

If Ai is an

a fortiori

An element x in R is a

group of units of R is the product
of the groups of units of the Ri.

A product of two or more non-trivial rings always has nonzero

zero divisors
: if x is an element of the product whose coordinates are all zero except pi (x) and y is an element of the product with all coordinates zero except pj (y) where i ≠ j, then xy = 0 in the product ring.
