Tinfoil Hat Linux

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Tinfoil Hat Linux
BSD license[2]
Software: Original licences
Official websitetinfoilhat.shmoo.com

Tinfoil Hat Linux (THL) is a compact

hard drive
, making it easier to "sanitize" the computer after use.

The logo of Tinfoil Hat is

tinfoil hat

The Shmoo Group website says "It started as a secure, single floppy, bootable Linux distribution for storing PGP keys and then encrypting, signing, and wiping files. At some point, it became an exercise in over-engineering."[1]

Security features

Tinfoil Hat uses a number of measures to defeat hardware and software surveillance methods like keystroke logging, video camera, and TEMPEST:

  • Encryption —
    public key cryptography
    software is included in THL.
  • Data retrieval — All temporary files are created on an encrypted
    RAM disk
    that is destroyed on shutdown. Even the GPG key file information can be stored encrypted on the floppy.
  • Keystroke monitoring — THL has GPG Grid, a wrapper for GPG that lets you use a video game-style character entry system instead of typing in your passphrase. Keystroke loggers get a set of grid points, instead of a passphrase.
  • Power usage and other
    side-channel attacks
    — Under the Paranoid options, a copy of GPG runs in the background generating keys and encrypting random documents. This makes it harder to determine when real encryption is taking place.
  • Even reading the screen over the user's shoulder is difficult when Tinfoil Hat is switched to paranoid mode, which sets the screen to a very low contrast.


THL can be used on most modern

Tinfoil Hats
are commonly ascribed to paranoiacs as a method of protecting oneself from mind-control waves.

Tinfoil Hat Linux requires one to work in a text-only environment in Linux, electing to start users with a Bourne shell, the text editor vi, and with no graphical user interface. It uses BusyBox instead of the normal Util-Linux, the GNU Core Utilities (formerly known as FileUtils, ShellUtils, and TextUtils), and other common Unix tools. Tinfoil Hat also offers the GNU nano text editor.

See also


  1. ^ a b "Shmoo website - projects page". Retrieved April 21, 2024.
  2. ^ FAQ (archived)

External links