
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Articles I started, 5x expanded, or made more than 100 edits

List-Class articles
(10 articles)

Harold Brown AwardList of British prison hulks (←more than 200 edits) • List of heaviest bells (DYK) • List of largest giant sequoias (DYK) • List of local anestheticsList of mountains of East AntarcticaList of mountains of Enderby LandList of mountains of Wilkes LandList of non-avian fauna of Heard Island and McDonald IslandsList of submarine topographical features (DYK)

Stub-Class articles
(115 articles)

Allison Glacier (Antarctica)
Amundsen CoastAmundsen Plain
Avicularia urticans
Bary GlacierBellingshausen PlainBird RidgeBogen Glacier‎ • Brazos BendBrøgger Glacier

Brunonia Glacier
Butterfly sculpinCape Arkona (Heard Island)Cape BatterbeeCape BidlingmaierCape GazertCatoxyopsisCharlotte Lake
Christensen Glacier (Bouvet Island)
Christensen Glacier (South Georgia)

Christophersen Glacier

Clayton Glacier
Conradi PeakCorinthian Bay
Cumpston Massif
Dead End GlacierDoggers NunataksDovers MoraineEclipse GlacierErratic Point

Euphrates (disambiguation)Fairchild BeachFrostlendet ValleyGlen PassGneiskopf PeakGodel IceportHamberg GlacierHammer ColHarmer GlacierHeaney Glacier

Helland GlacierHemilepidotusHenningsen GlacierHerz GlacierHodges Glacier

Horntvedt Glacier
Jenkins GlacierJewell GlacierKapellet CanyonKelley Peak (Antarctica)

Kirkby GlacierKirkby HeadKirkby ShoalKjerulf GlacierKönig GlacierLancing GlacierLaurens PeninsulaLavett BluffLewald GlacierLobocneme

Lucas Glacier
Lunde GlacierMechanics Bay (Heard Island)Mawson SeaMorris Glacier (South Georgia)Mount DrygalskiMount Farrell (Antarctica)Mount FukushimaMount Gist
Mount Kirkby

Mount KjerringaMount MainesMount McMasterMount NeustruyevMount StoreguttMurray SnowfieldNachtigal GlacierNevlingen PeakNewman NunataksNorth West Cornice


Peters Glacier (South Georgia)Philippi Glacier (South Georgia)Porthos Range
Posadowsky Glacier (Bouvet Island)
PseudoxyopsPurvis GlacierRisemedet Mountain

Risting GlacierRitscher PeakRound Hill (Heard Island)Ryan GlacierSaint George PeakSalomon GlacierSandeggtind PeakSchrader GlacierSebastes melanostictus

Sibylla (genus)

Sloknuten PeakSouth West BaySørtoppen NunatakSpenceley GlacierStagmatopterinaeStagmomantinaeStenocercus crassicaudatusStorey GlacierStorkvarvet Mountain

Tarqui, Pastaza CantonTerningen PeakWeddell PlainWinston LagoonYellow Irish lord

Start-Class articles
(57 articles)

AcrocirridaeAlfred RitscherArmstrong PeakBison latifrons (←5x expansion) • Borg MassifBorg MountainBreplogen MountainBuxton GlacierCharles EnderbyConrad Mountains

Craddock MassifErskine IceportGagarin MountainsGessner PeakGjelsvik MountainsGray LockHamilton WrightIceportIchabod Wiswall (DYK) •

Inhalational anaesthetic
(←5x expansion)

Inimicus filamentosus (DYK) • Inimicus sinensisJames Leonard Corning (DYK) • Kyrkjeskipet Peak

Leptophis ahaetulla nigromarginatus
Louis Agassiz Shaw Jr. (←5x expansion, DYK) • MariazofiaMegacraniaMillstone HillMount Billy Mitchell (Chugach Mountains) (DYK)

Mount BreckinridgeMount DallmannMount King (Antarctica)Mount Krüger

Mount Widerøe
Mühlig-Hofmann MountainsNorsel IceportOrvin MountainsPosadowsky Glacier (Antarctica)Radio Solar Telescope Network

Rae LakesRaudberg (Antarctica)Sagamore Hill Radio ObservatorySamuel Enderby JuniorScent gland (←5x expansion) • Sikhī BuddhaSouthern Whale Fishery CompanySüdliche Petermann RangeStener lesionSverdrup Mountains

Sydney Kirkby (explorer)

Terpin hydrate
Teuthidodrilus (←5x expansion, DYK) • Tropicagama (←5x expansion, DYK) • United Nations Security Council Resolution 746
Wilma Glacier

C-Class articles
(40 articles)

ABISMO (DYK) • Allison Glacier (Heard Island) (DYK) • António Francisco CardimBattle for Río San Juan de Nicaragua (DYK) • Baudissin Glacier (DYK) • Brown GlacierBuchanania cochinchinensis (←5x expansion, DYK) • Calliphara nobilis (←5x expansion, DYK) • Challenger Glacier (DYK) • Ciprofol

Compton Glacier (DYK) • Deacock Glacier (DYK) • Downes Glacier (DYK) • Eber BunkerEaley Glacier (DYK) •

El Castillo (municipality) (←5x expansion, DYK
) • El Castillo (village) (DYK) • Fiftyone Glacier (DYK) • Fortress of the Immaculate Conception (←5x expansion, DYK) • Giriyak Stupa (DYK)

Gotley Glacier (DYK) • History of neuraxial anesthesia (DYK) • Htoo Group of Companies (DYK) • James A. ZimbleLied Glacier (DYK) • Low Head Lighthouse (DYK) • Megacrania batesii (←5x expansion, DYK) • Panoploscelis (DYK) • Quincy Adams Shaw (←5x expansion, DYK) • Rafaela Herrera (DYK)

Richie Castellano (DYK) • Rippon GlacierSchmidt Glacier (Heard Island and McDonald Islands) (DYK) • Sikhī BuddhaStephenson Glacier (DYK) • Thomas Wiswall‎ (DYK) • Vahsel Glacier (DYK) • VXE-6 (DYK) • Wager IslandWinston Glacier (DYK)

B-Class articles
(21 articles)

American Revolution (←more than 100 edits) • Battle of Gaza (2007) (←more than 100 edits) • Bennett's fracture (←5x expansion) • Central America (←more than 100 edits) • History of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (←more than 100 edits) • History of general anesthesia (←more than 100 edits, DYK) • History of tracheal intubationInimicus (←more than 100 edits, DYK) • Kaikō ROV (←5x expansion, DYK) • Mount ElkinsPhilippine–American War (←more than 100 edits)

Preorbital glandRadiole (DYK) • Robert Gould Shaw II (DYK) • Samuel Enderby & SonsSarnath (←more than 100 edits) • Serpula (←more than 100 edits, DYK) • Subantarctic (←more than 100 edits, ←5x expansion, DYK) • Terence James ElkinsTracheotomy (←5x expansion) • VX-6 (DYK)

GA-Class articles
(6 articles)

Abyssal plain (←5x expansion, more than 400 edits, DYK) • Jacob sheep (←more than 100 edits) • Kidney stone disease (←more than 200 edits) • Methoxyflurane (←5x expansion, more than 100 edits, DYK) • Tracheal intubation (←more than 600 edits) • World's littlest skyscraper (←more than 100 edits, DYK)

A-Class articles
(0 articles)

FA-Class articles
(1 articles)

Douglas MacArthur (←more than 100 edits)

Count: 249

Grading scheme

Quality scale

Importance scale

The article's importance, regardless of its quality

Top Subject is a must-have for a print encyclopaedia Includes high-level topical treatment of organizational subjects (e.g. Organization, NGO, Nonprofit) plus the most important world-wide organizations such as the UN, World Bank, and the IRC.
High Subject contributes a depth of knowledge Includes topical treatment of specialized organizational subjects (e.g.
NATO and the AU
Mid Subject fills in more minor details Includes specialized organizational subjects plus regional and national organizations.
Low Subject is peripheral knowledge, possibly trivial Includes all other notable organizations.