11th Macedonian Infantry Division

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Alexandar Protogerov
as Bulgarian Army officers during the First World War.
The officers in the headquarters of the 11th Division.

The 11th Macedonian Infantry Division was a Bulgarian military unit formed by Macedonian Bulgarians that operated in the First World War. The division is the successor of the Macedonian-Adrianopolitan Volunteer Corps.[1]


The division was established in 1915 on the idea of the leadership of the vormer Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) -leadership around Colonel Aleksandar Protogerov. As early as January 1915, Major Petar Darvingov submitted to the Ministry of War a report on the use of the Macedonian-Adrianople Volunteer Corps, in which he argued that the re-formation of the militia could be necessary and justified mainly if it was given the task of occupying the region of Macedonia. The order to establish the 11th Division was issued on August 22, 1915. It was formed from September 1 to 4 by a special staff during the general mobilisation of the active Bulgarian army in September, just before Bulgaria's intervention in the First World War. It consisted from Bulgarians from Macedonia - refugee volunteers who did not serve in the Bulgarian army and deserters from the Serbian and Greek armies.[2] The division includes 7 regiments - 6 infantry and 1 artillery, as well as other units with personnel as of its first operational day of 34,745 soldiers and officers.[3]

Almost all the officers were from Macedonia. The commander of the division at the beginning was General

Alexander Protogerov from Ohrid and the commander of the Fifth Macedonian Infantry Regiment - Colonel Boris Drangov from Skopje.[4] A special guerilla detachment was established headed by Protogerov. It was envisaged to form 60 guerilla platoons and a separate guerilla company.[5]

In 1915, during the Bulgarian offensive against Serbia, the division as part of the

IMRO and the unofficial headquarters of the organization. Part of the military equipment and weapons of the 11th Division is hidden by the Allied in secret warehouses and was inherited by IMRO.[7]

See also


  1. , pp. 33-40.
  2. ^ Димитър Минчев, Участието на населението от Македония в българската армия през Първата световна война 1914-1918 г. Военно издателство, София, 1994, стр. 29.
  3. ^ Коста Църнушанов, Македонизмът и съпротивата на Македония срещу него. Унив. изд. "Св. Климент Охридски", София, 1992, стр. 171.
  4. ^ Бойно разписание на 11-та пехотна Македонска дивизия /към 1 октомври 1915 г. Информационна агенция Фокус.
  5. ^ Лефтеров, Живко. Действията на ротата на капитан Никола Лефтеров към Партизанския отряд на Планинската дивизия по време на Първата световна война. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция България - Германия. Първата световна война. Поуки за бъдещето. Варна, 2018. с. 97 - 110.
  6. . с. 533.
  7. ^ Станчо Станчев, Игнат Криворов, Българската армия в Първата световна война (1915-1918) Том 2, Военна академия "Георги Стойков Раковски." Военно изд-во, 2005, стр 219.