Augmented triad

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
augmented triad
Component intervals from root
augmented fifth
major third
Forte no. / Complement
3-12 / 9-12

An augmented triad is a

popular-music symbols, it is indicated by the symbol "+" or "aug". For example, the augmented triad built on A, written as A+, has pitches A-C-E:

{ \omit Score.TimeSignature \relative c' { <as c e>1 } }

The chord can be represented by the integer notation

{0, 4, 8}.


Whereas a

perfect, the augmented triad has an augmented fifth, becoming C–E–G. In other words, the top note is raised a semitone
. H.R. Palmer notes:

The augmented chord, (which appears upon three of the minor key,) is commonly found upon one, four, or five of a major key. In its resolution the fundamental may either remain stationary, descend five degrees, or ascend four degrees; the third may either ascend a minor second [I+, IV (Play) and I+, IV6
(Play)], or remain stationary [I+, vi6
(Play)]; and the fifth ascends a minor second. The inversions of the augmented chord may also be used [I+6, IV (Play) and I+6
, IV6 (Play)].[1]

The augmented chord on I may contain the major seventh (I7
(Play) or I6
(Play)), while the augmented chord on V may contain the minor seventh (V7
(Play), V6
(Play), or V4
(Play)).[1] In C: C–E–G–B and G–B–D–F.

The augmented triad on the V may be used as a

dominant, and may also be considered as III+.[2] The example below shows III+ as a substitute dominant in a ii-V-I turnaround in C major.

\omit Score.TimeSignature
\relative c' {<d f a c>2 <es g b> <c e g c>1 \bar "||" } }

See, for example, Henry

Dido & Aeneas.

Purcell from Dido & Aeneas, Act 2, scene 1, echo chorus
Purcell from Dido & Aeneas, Act 2, scene 1, echo chorus

In popular music

Examples of

enharmonic equivalent of VI+). An augmented chord also harmonizes the opening downbeat of the chorus of the 1908 song "Shine On, Harvest Moon", heard at the beginning of the 1931 recording by Ruth Etting.[5]

\omit Score.TimeSignature
\relative c' {
<c f a>1_\markup { "IV" \hspace #5.5 "I+" \hspace #6 "I" } <c e gis> <c e g>1 \bar "||"
} }