Diminished major seventh chord

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
diminished major seventh
Component intervals from
diminished fifth (tritone)
minor third
Forte no. / Complement
4-18 / 8-18


as CoM7, has pitches C–E–G–B:

\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\relative c' {
   \clef treble 
   \time 4/4
   \key c \major
   <c es ges b>1
} }

Diminished major seventh chords are very

leading note of the given chord: the ability to resolve this dissonance smoothly to a diatonic triad with the same root allows it to be used as a temporary tension before tonic resolution
. It is nevertheless infrequently used as a chord in itself.

The chord can be represented by the integer notation {0, 3, 6, 11}.

Diminished major seventh chord table

Chord Root Minor third Diminished fifth Major seventh
CoM7 C E G B
CoM7 C E G B (C)
DoM7 D F (E) Adouble flat (G) C
DoM7 D F A C
DoM7 D F A Cdouble sharp (D)
EoM7 E G Bdouble flat (A) D
EoM7 E G B D
FoM7 F A C (B) E
FoM7 F A C E (F)
GoM7 G Bdouble flat (A) Ddouble flat (C) F
GoM7 G B D F
GoM7 G B D Fdouble sharp (G)
AoM7 A C (B) Edouble flat (D) G
AoM7 A C E G
AoM7 A C E Gdouble sharp (A)
BoM7 B D F (E) A
BoM7 B D F A
