Face card

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Three court cards (face cards) from an English pattern pack

In a deck of

English pattern, these cards are the King, Queen
and Jack. The term picture card is also common, but that term sometimes includes the Aces.

In the standard packs of non-English speaking regions, the face or court cards may be different. For example, in

German-suited packs typically depict an officer or overlord, known as the Ober, and a sergeant or peasant known as the Unter

Until the early 20th century, the term coat card was also common.


Persian Ganjifeh courts with an ace
Mamluk Kanjifah courts of cups

While playing cards were invented in China, Chinese playing cards do not have a concept of face cards. When playing cards arrived in Iran, the Persians created the first face cards.The best preserved deck is located in the Topkapı Palace. To avoid idolatry,[2] the cards did not depict human faces and instead featured abstract designs or calligraphy for the malik (king), nā'ib malik (viceroy or deputy king) and thānī nā'ib (second or under-deputy).[3] It is possible that the Topkapı deck, a custom made luxury item used for display, does not represent the cards played by commoners. There are fragments of what may be Mamluk court cards from cheaper decks showing human figures which may explain why seated kings and mounted men appear in both Indo-Persian and European cards. Both Mamluk and modern European decks include three face cards per suit, or twelve face cards in a deck of four suits.[4][5]

King, Ober, and Under of Acorns from a Swiss deck (1880)

The third court card may have had a special role to play since the Spanish, French, and Italians called the newly introduced cards naipe, nahipi, and naibi respectively as opposed to their Arabic name of Kanjifah. In a 1377 description of cards by

Swiss playing cards. As marshals were cavalry commanders, both ranks may have been mounted unlike their modern counterparts. Less popular decks included ones in which two kings were replaced with queens, all the kings replaced by queens, queens and maids added so as to make 15 cards per suit, and 5 or 6 suited decks with only the kings and two marshal ranks.[5]

In Italy and Spain, the Unter and Ober were replaced by the standing

deck had the most with six ranks: king, queen, knight, mounted lady, knave, and damsel or maid for a total of 24. It is unlikely that the Cary-Yale deck was designed for a game in mind as it was an expensive wedding gift and was probably never played. Standing kings are a Spanish innovation which was copied by the French.

Throughout most of their history, face cards were not reversible. Players may accidentally reveal that they hold a face card if they flip them right-side up. During the 18th century, Trappola and Tarocco Bolognese decks became the first to be reversible. The trend towards double-headed cards continued throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Some patterns resisted the innovation, most notably Spanish-suited decks where full figured courts remain dominant.


Tarot Nouveau

Current playing cards are structured as follows:

While modern decks of playing cards may contain one or more

Jokers depicting a person, such as a jester or clown
, they are not normally considered face cards. The earliest Jokers, known as Best Bowers, did not depict people until the late 1860s.


  1. ^ Wedgwood, Hensleigh (1855). "On False Etymologies". Transactions of the Philological Society (6): 71.
  2. ^ Origin of playing cards by Copag. Retrieved 18 February 2017.
  3. ^ Jensen, K. The Mamluk cards Archived 2015-04-26 at the Wayback Machine at Manteia. Retrieved 18 February 2017.
  4. ^ Gjerde, Tor. Mamluk cards at old.no. Retrieved 18 February 2017.
  5. ^ a b Dummett, Michael; Mann, Sylvia (1980). The Game of Tarot. London: Duckworth. pp. 10–64.
  6. ^ Johannes of Rheinfelden, 1377 at trionfi.com. Retrieved 18 February 2017.