Levantine Aurignacian

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Levantine Aurignacian culture
parietal art in Europe.[5]
Map of Aurignacian sites, including Levantine Aurignacian.

The Levantine Aurignacian (35,000-29,000 BP, calibrated, 32,000-26,000 BP, non-calibrated)

Antelian in old sources, from the site of Wadi Antelias in Lebanon.[6] The most important innovation in this period is the incorporation of some typical elements of Aurignacian, like some types of burins and narrow blade points that resemble the European type of Font-Yves

Levantine Aurignacian period

Similarities with Aurignacian are found in the manufacture of blades and in the processing of bone tools.[6]

The Levantine Aurignacian follows chronologically the Emiran and Early Ahmarian in the same area of the Near East, and closely related to them.[7]

The carving of a horse with traces of a layer of ocher painting from

parietal art in Europe.[11]

The Levantine Aurignacian is part of the technological shift from the

Homo sapiens out of Africa.[13] From this stage, the first modern humans probably migrated to Europe to form the beginning of the European Upper Paleolithic, including the Aurignacian culture.[13] There is a possibility that the Levantine Aurignacian was the result of reverse influence from the European Aurignacian, but this remains unsettled.[12]


Next period: the Kebaran microlithic culture

By the end of the Levantine Aurignacian, gradual changes took place in stone industries. The first phase of the

Kebaran, lasts from 20,000 to 12,150 BP.[14] Small stone tools called microliths
and retouched bladelets can be found for the first time. The microliths of this culture period differ greatly from the Aurignacian artifacts.



  • Mousterian & Aurignacian Cultures, stone burins used for incising stone and wood, Qafzeh, Hayonim, el-Wad Cave, 250,000-22,000 BP Israel
    el-Wad Cave
    , 250,000-22,000 BP Israel
  • Aurignacian Culture incised animal bones, Hayonim Cave, 28,000 BP.
    Cave, 28,000 BP.
  • Aurignacian Culture bone tools (needle, points and tools for punching holes), Hayonim Cave, 30,000 BP.
    Aurignacian Culture bone tools (needle, points and tools for punching holes), Hayonim Cave, 30,000 BP.


  1. .
  2. ^ "Horse from Hayonim Cave, Israel, 30,000 years" in Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology. Samuel Bronfman Biblical and Archaeological Museum of the Israel Museum. 2002. p. 10.
  3. ^ "Hayonim horse". museums.gov.il.
  4. ^ a b Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Belfer-Cohen, Anna (1981). The Aurignacian at Hayonim Cave. pp. 35–36.
  5. .
  6. ^ .
  7. .
  8. .
  9. ^ "Horse from Hayonim Cave, Israel, 30,000 years" in Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology. Samuel Bronfman Biblical and Archaeological Museum of the Israel Museum. 2002. p. 10.
  10. ^ "Hayonim horse". museums.gov.il.
  11. .
  12. ^ a b c Williams, John K. (2006). "The Levantine Aurignacian: a closer look" (PDF). Lisbon: Instituto Português de Arqueologia (Trabalhos de Arqueologia Bar-Yosef O, Zilhão J, editors. Towards a definition of the Aurignacian. 45): 317–352.
  13. ^ .
  14. ^ Simmons, 47-48
  15. ^ .
