List of Greyhawk deities

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is a list of deities from the




Al'Akbar is the

. Al'Akbar's priests use the Cup and Talisman as metaphors for the good life, urging their flocks to be vessels of kindness and emblems of devotion.

Al'Akbar was the most exalted high priest in what are now the lands of the


“Akbar” was first mentioned in

The Strategic Review #7, wherein Neal Healey described The Cup and Talisman of Akbar [sic], and associated them with worship of Allah without mention of whether “Akbar” (Arabic for “greater”/“greatest”) was a person, place, or descriptor.[1]


Allitur is the

Flan god of Ethics and Propriety. His holy symbol is a pair of clasped hands. Allitur was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]
Allitur is depicted as a Flan man riding a horse, Keph, who never tires. Allitur's realm is Empyrea, The City of Tempered Souls. Empyrea sits on the edge of a cold, clear mountain lake on Mount Celestia's fifth layer, Mertion. The many healing fountains and curative waters in Empyrea can restore withered limbs, lost speech, derangement, and life energy itself; those who ail need only find the right fountain. Empyrea is also known for its healers and hospitals, and many a pilgrim seeks to reach this legendary site of perfect health. Allitur teaches respect and understanding for laws, rituals, and other cultural traditions.


Atroa (ah-TRO-ah) is the

. As Goddess of Spring, Atroa is the invigorating breath that awakens the world from its slumber. She gives the world new love and new life, renews old friendships, and plucks the heartstrings of lovers, travelers, and poets.


Azor'alq is the

Nekir. Azor'alq's sanctum can be entered through the highest peak in the Pinnacles of Azor'alq
. There he dwells with his ancient paladins, the Thousand Immortals.



Beltar is the

is one of her greatest enemies. Beltar will often take mates in her various forms, but few survive, as she eats them afterward, as well as any young born from such a union.


Beory is the

Oerth itself. She does not care for anything else, and mortals or other deities only concern her if they threaten the Oerth. She is distant even from her own clerics, who wander the earth to experience the different parts of the world. They spend their time communing with nature and often associate with druids


Berei is goddess of Agriculture, Family, and Home. Her holy symbol is a sheaf of wheat stalks. Berei was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the

, in the realm of Principality. Berei tries to strengthen the ties of family and community, and urges care in the planting of crops.


Berna is the

. Berna is now the patron of all small emotions, both positive and negative. She also represents the forgiveness of wrongs.

Berna is named for a college friend of Sean K. Reynolds's named Bernadette.[3]


Bleredd is the

Oeridian god of Metal, Mines, and Smiths. His holy symbol is an iron mule, as sturdy and patient as himself. Bleredd was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]
Bleredd is the one who originally taught the Oeridians iron-working. He is a pragmatic sort, preferring work to idle talk. He created many of the artifacts used by his family, including his hammer of thunderbolts, Fury, and his wife's hammer Skull Ringer. In Bleredd's creed, the gifts of the earth exist to be taken and used to create practical works. Bleredd's followers are expected to be strong of body and will. Bleredd encourages the free flow of information; the knowledge of smithcraft should never be hoarded, but taught freely to anyone with a talent for it. Those who are miserly in sharing what they have learned ought to be punished.


Boccob is the god of magic, arcane knowledge, balance, and foresight. He is known as the Uncaring, the Lord of All Magic, and the Archmage of the Deities. All times and places are open to him, and he has visited many alternate realities and planes unknown to the wisest of sages, places even the Elder Evils avoid. His symbol is an eye in a pentagon; usually this is worn as an amulet. Boccob was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by Gary Gygax in Dragon #70 (1983).[4] Boccob is usually portrayed as a middle aged man with white hair who wears purple robes decorated with golden runes. He is described as carrying the very first staff of the magi with him at all times. In addition, he knows every spell ever created and can travel to any time and dimension. He is the possessor of the only magical library that contains a copy of every potion, spell, and magic item in existence.


Bralm is the

, in the layer of Avalas. Bralm teaches that everyone in society has their proper position that people are obligated to master even if they don't understand their importance in the greater scheme. She instructs her followers to obey those with higher social positions and greater knowledge. She urges contentment in hard labor, and compares her followers to insects in a hive.


Breeka is the

, the god of evil. While sleeping, she vomited forth the nightmares inspired in her by her granddaughter Vara to create the living things that bring fear and danger to the night.



Celestian is the god of Stars, Space and Wanderers. His symbol is a black circle set with seven stars. His color is black. An

Fharlanghn. It is said that the two followed similar but differing paths. Celestian is Neutral Good, but his worshipers may be any alignment of good. Celestian was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by Gary Gygax in Dragon #68 (1982).[6]
Celestian encourages his followers to wander far from home, just as the stars do. Astrology is as much a part of Celestian's faith as astronomy is, and his worshippers are encouraged to discover the secrets within the patterns of the stars and other celestial bodies.

Compare Celestian to the Roman god Caelus, especially in his form as Caelus Nocturnus. The names Celestian and Caelus both derive from the Latin word caelum meaning "sky" or "heavens".


Charmalaine (TCHAR-mah-lain) is the halfling hero-goddess of Keen Senses and Narrow Escapes. She gained her nickname "the Lucky Ghost" from her ability to leave her body to scout ahead in spirit-form. In this form, she is believed to warn halfling adventurers of impending danger. Her holy symbol is a burning boot-print. Charmalaine is a young halfling woman with alert eyes, black oiled leather armor, and boots coated in mud. She carries a mace called Fair Warning and is usually seen with Xaphan, her ferret familiar. She is energetic, spontaneous, and fearless. Charmalaine preaches vigilance and attention to one's environment. Her followers are urged to hone their reflexes, to be quick on their feet, to enjoy exploration but also safety. They are taught that too many material things can be too much weight.


Cyndor is the

's timestreams from interference or damage by outside forces. Cyndor is also served by temporal dogs, time dimensionals, and more exotic beings.



Daern is the

Oeridian hero-deity of defenses and fortifications. Daern's holy symbol is a shield hanging from a parapet. She is often associated with griffins. Daern's priests often advise military leaders on proper placement and construction of fortifications, castles, and keeps. Her priests are valued among rulers who wish to establish stronger borders. The priesthood favors the shortspear. In her mortal life, Daern was responsible for the construction of a number of famous fortifications, including Castle Blazebane in Almor and Tarthax near Rel Deven


Dalt is the



Damaran is the

. He often flees when confronted by enemies of any strength. The Touv gods inhabit the "spirit world" coterminous with the realms of the Touv, a somewhat hypothetical realm.


Daoud is the hero-deity of Humility, Clarity, and Immediacy. His symbol is a multi-colored patch of cloth or tangle of yarn, with seven threads, one of each color of the spectrum, extending from the bottom. Daoud is depicted as an old man with leathery skin and heavy, dark brows. His eyes are black and piercing. He wears the simple, worn clothing of a shepherd, a turban wrapped around his head and a staff in his hands. Daoud's followers are urged to seek out both good fortune and bad in order to unravel the threads of destiny. They strive to be content with what Fate allows and demands of them, no more and no less. They cut lies with sharp words.


Delleb is the

phoenix-feather quill, or an open book. Delleb was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]
Delleb's realm, the Great Library, is in Solania, the fourth of the Seven Heavens. Solania is a place with many scholarly hermitages and monasteries hidden atop high, steep peaks. Delleb's order teaches that the purpose of existence is the accumulation of knowledge, although they are careful to remind others that this does not supersede the sanctity of life.


Earth Dragon

The Earth Dragon is a

Pomarj. Its symbol is a coiled dragon. The Earth Dragon may manifest as a mottled serpent or a gargantuan dragon formed of variegated stone laced with precious ores. It may also manifest as an earthquake to indicate its displeasure. The Cult of the Earth Dragon is opposed by the Silent Ones
. The Earth Dragon is said to live in a large underground lair beneath Mount Drachenkopf avoided by subterranean races. Especially faithful worshippers are brought to their deity's presence to bask in the Earth Dragon's glory. The Earth Dragon is the great provider and the spirit of the earth. Those who worship it and obey it are promised protection. The Earth Dragon is said to know all the secrets of the land, favoring its chosen with power and knowledge. To please their god, the faithful must worship, sacrifice, and spread the faith to others.


Ehlonna is the goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora, Fauna, and Fertility. Ehlonna is known to the

. Ehlonna teaches that the animals and plants of the forests are gifts, and are not to be stolen. She is often the goddess of rangers and druids and opposes hunters and anyone who would exploit the land for fun or profit.


Erythnul is the

ogre, and bugbear tribes, in addition to humans. His symbol is a red blood drop, or a bestial mask representing Erythnul's changing visage. Erythnul was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by Gary Gygax in Dragon #71 (1983).[7]
Erythnul is called the Many, because in battle his features continually shift from human to bugbear to troll to ogre to gnoll and back to human again. His spilled blood transforms into similar creatures. Erythnul delights in panic and slaughter. He can spread fear through his eyes.



Fharlanghn, the Dweller on the Horizon, is the

Oerth. Fharlanghn was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by Gary Gygax in Dragon #68 (December 1982).[8]
Fharlanghn appears as an elderly man. His skin is wrinkled and weathered, but his green eyes sparkle with life. He wears unremarkable, travel-stained clothing of leather and unbleached linen. He carries the Oerth Disc, a magical version of his holy symbol. Fharlanghn insists that everyone travel in order to discover and learn new things. He urges people to look to the horizon for inspiration.


Fortubo is the god of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and Guardianship. Originally a member of the

Suel pantheon, Fortubo abandoned the Suloise upon discovering that the Suel were behind the creation of the derro. Fortubo now favors dwarves above any other race, and has relatively few human worshippers. Fortubo's holy symbol is a warhammer with a glowing head, though any hammer will serve. Fortubo was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[5]



Gadhelyn the Archer (Gad-THEL-en) is the

revere him and participate in his rites. Followers of Gadhelyn prey on the wealthy who dare to cross their woodlands, but they are not truly dangerous unless attacked, or if their forests are despoiled.

Gendwar Argrim

Gendwar Argrim is the dwarven hero-god of Fatalism and Obsession. His symbol is a waraxe bearing the dwarven rune for destruction. The Doomed Dwarf's appearance is said to be unremarkable except for his sandy blond hair and beard. His dwarven waraxe, Forgotten Hope, screams every time a community of dwarves is attacked. He is in many ways the picture of a dwarven stereotype: dour, taciturn, and focused on the destruction of evil humanoids above all else. Gendwar preaches nothing less than utter destruction of the enemies of the dwarven race. Honor, glory, wealth, and love are all meaningless in the face of this crusade. His followers expect fully to one day die in battle, but strive to take a thousand foes with them to the grave.


Geshtai is the

Baklunish goddess of Lakes, Rivers, Wells, and Streams. Her symbol is a waterspout. Geshtai was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]
Geshtai is depicted as a young Baklunish woman carrying a clay jug. She stands in a pool of water with Gumus, her fish companion.



The holy symbol of Heironeous

In the World of

god of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor. His clerics' domains are usually Glory, Good, Inquisition, Law, and War. His holy symbol is a silver lightning bolt, often clutched in a fist.


Heward is the god of Bards and Musicians. Heward is notable not only for his musical prowess, but also for his technological skills.


Hextor is the




Incabulos is the god of plagues, sickness, famine, nightmares, drought, and disasters. His unholy symbol is the magic icon called the "Eye of Possession," a green eye in a red diamond. Incabulos was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by

Gray Waste
, Oinos.


Istus is the goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, and the Future. She is known as the Lady of Our Fate and the Colorless and All-Colored. Her symbol is a golden spindle with three strands.


Iuz (pronounced YOOZ, EE-uz

Robilar was responsible for releasing nine demi-gods. Iuz emerged as one of these demi-gods.[14]



Jascar is the

Suel god of Hills and Mountains, first detailed in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting.[2]
His holy symbol is a snow-capped mountain peak. Jascar appears as a muscular human male with a dark beard and breastplate of shining silver. He lacks the color and features of the Suel race, despite his origins. His visage is said to strike terror into the hearts of goblins and orcs. He is sometimes depicted as a pegasus or a horse. He wields a great hammer, which is the bane of all undead. Jascar is the brother of Fortubo, and a close ally of Phaulkon. He is the sworn enemy of Beltar. Jascar associates little with other gods, who see him as driven and aloof.


Johydee is the

goddess of Deception, Espionage, and Protection. Her sacred animal is the chameleon. Her symbol is a small stylized mask of onyx. Johydee can take any form, but usually appears as a young woman with grey eyes and honey-blonde hair. Though she comes off as mischievous and flighty, this is little more than a mask to hide her true intentions. Her allies are few, and she never sides with evil. Followers of Johydee are urged to protect themselves with many layers of deception, keeping their true intentions hidden from the knowledge of their enemies, and to know more of their foes than their foes know of them. They are taught to judge well the time to strike and the time to flee. They are also expected to help those they are sworn to protect.


Joramy (also called the Raging Volcano and The Shrew) is the goddess of fire, volcanoes, wrath and anger. She is neutral, and even tending towards Neutral Good. Her holy symbol is a stylized volcano or pillar of flame.



Katay is the

, born without a father.


Kelanen is the hero-deity of Swords, Sword Skills, and Balance. Possibly the most popular hero-deity in the Flanaess, Kelanen's symbol is nine swords arrayed in a star shape, points outward.


Keoghtom is the hero-god of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, and Extraplanar Exploration. His symbol is a round disk, bisected by an upward-pointing arrow.


Keptolo (kep-toe-low) is the

, who tricked a portion of his power from him in order to empower her own ascension.


Kord is the

Bandit Kingdom
city of Alhaster. Kord was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the
Lenard Lakofka in Dragon #87 (1984), in the article Gods of the Suel Pantheon.[15]
He would go on to appear in 2nd and 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons.


Kundo is the

, god of rain and storms. Xanag's beauty entranced Vonag.


Kurell is the Oeridian god of Jealousy, Revenge, and Thievery. His holy symbol is a grasping hand holding a broken coin, fingers pointed upwards.[citation needed]


Kuroth is the

. Kuroth's priests prefer daggers and rapiers.


Kyuss (pronounced "Kai-uhs" /ˈk.əs/) is a demigod concerned with the creation and mastery of the Undead. Known as the Bonemaster, the Wormgod, the Worm that Walks and the Herald of the Age of Worms, his symbol is a skull erupting with writhing green worms.

The sons of Kyuss, later referred to as spawn of Kyuss, were an iconic monster in the

Sulm inhabited by undead. This was made more conspicuous since any of the contained undead that "move or are carried even a few yards from its buildings collapse into inanimate heaps of bone." This is suggested in the work to be the possible consequence of an ancient curse. That makes the creator of the undead ancient as well, painting Kyuss as once having been a high priest in Sulm.[17]

In the From the Ashes boxed set (Atlas of the Flanaess, page 69), the entry for the Storm Lake of the Amedio mentioned that sons of Kyuss manifest in the vicinity after a phenomenon called the Storm of Unknowing. Later, in Iuz the Evil (1993) the home of the "infamous evil priest Kyuss" was claimed to have been the Wormcrawl Fissure, a "mile-long ravine away from the main body of the Rift Canyon."[18] Still later, in The Scarlet Brotherhood by Sean K. Reynolds, the entry for Matreyus Lake said, "undead such as sons of Kyuss walk the nearby jungle – the evil demigod is said to have spent time here." Kyuss is also one of the epic-level villains detailed in Elder Evils, and is also featured on that book's cover.

In his divine form, Kyuss appears as a towering humanoid shaped entirely of green Kyuss worms, with two blazing eyes peering from beneath the hood of his ragged cloak. According to the Kyuss sidebar in Dragon #336's "Ecology of the Spawn of Kyuss", his original divine form was a gaunt man with empty eyesockets filled with writhing worms and hands of bare bone, but he has evolved into his appearance of a gargantuan Worms That Walk as his cult grew stronger.[19]

Stoner rock band Kyuss, originally named as Sons of Kyuss, took their name from the character.[20]



Lendor is the

Suel god of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study. His holy symbol is a crescent moon superimposed upon a full moon surrounded by stars. Though the exact number of stars varies, it is usually fourteen. Lendor is a distant deity, seeming to care little for the affairs of the world. He considers himself superior to other deities, especially his children. He has the ability to banish or undo the magic of any of his brood. Lendor was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[5]


Lirr is the Oeridian goddess of Poetry and Art. She was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]


Llerg is the god of Beasts and Strength. Among the savage Suel tribes of the fictional world's Amedio Jungle and Hepmonaland, he is known as Hlerg.[citation needed]


Lydia is the Suel goddess of Music, Knowledge, and Daylight. Her holy symbol is a spray of colors from an open hand. She is depicted as a dynamic, white-haired woman with clear blue eyes. She wears a white gown trimmed in silver and gold. She is constantly surrounded by a sphere of force. Lydia interacts with many other deities, exchanging songs and information. She opposes Pholtus, feeling that others must see the light of truth without being blinded by it. Her philosophy pleases Trithereon, who similarly presses for the freedom of the individual.

Lydia was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax. Lydia was further detailed by

Lenard Lakofka in Dragon #92 (1984), in the article Gods of the Suel Pantheon V.[21]



Mayaheine is the demigoddess of Protection, Justice, and Valor. Her symbol is a downward-pointing sword with a V on either side. Mayaheine is an unusually tall woman with auburn-gold hair with blue eyes. She carries a bastard sword and a longbow, and is garbed in silvery plate mail. Mayaheine is a servant and paladin of

is more uncertain, but most of their respective clergy sees their roles as complementary, Mayaheine as protector and Heironeous as the one who marshals the hosts to battle.


Merikka is the

, but is now free. She resents chaotic gods and any who would disrupt her work.


Meyanok is the

gods, is a greater spirit who dwells within the mortal world.


Mok'slyk is an old

and baernoloths born before the multiverse began.


Mouqol is the

remains subordinate to Mouqol in the divine hierarchy.


Myhriss is the

Flan goddess of Love, Romance, and Beauty. Her symbol is the lovebird. Myhriss was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]
Myhriss is shown as a Flan woman just reaching adulthood, a garland of flowers in her hair. She has two aspects, a dark-haired, intimidating woman wielding a whip and a golden-haired, gentler woman wielding a shortbow.



Nazarn (NAZZ-arn) is a half-orc hero-god of formal, ritualistic, and public combat. His symbol is a chain wrapped around a short sword. He appears as an older half-orc with a strongly orcish appearance. His hair is gray, on its way to becoming completely white. He carries his short sword, Crowdpleaser. Nazarn has no known relationships with the

arena run by yuan-ti.


Nerull is the patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain. His worshipers, who include evil necromancers and rogues, depict him as an almost skeletal cloaked figure who bears a scythe. He is known as the Reaper, the Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness, King of All Gloom, and Reaper of Flesh.


Nola is the

Xanag, goddess of metals and beauty, born from Uvot's earth and shining with the fire of her mother. Nola is named for a college friend of Sean K. Reynolds's.[3]


Norebo is the Suel god of Luck, Gambling, and Risks. His symbol is a pair of eight-sided dice.



Obad-Hai is the god of Nature, Woodlands, Hunting, and Beasts, one of the most ancient known. He is often called the Shalm. He is also considered to be the god of summer by the

E. Gary Gygax in Dragon #69 (January 1983) with game statistics on page 29 and a description on page 30, including a black-and-white illustration by Jeff Easley.[22]

Old Faith

The Old Faith is the chief

Obad-Hai, the Old Faith also encompasses other deities, principally those concerned with natural phenomena. A quartet of gods representing the seasons is common, though the identities of these deities vary from culture to culture. The Old Faith is closely associated with the bards of the Old Lore, to whom they entrust many of their secrets. The druids of the Old Faith are more loosely allied with the Rangers of the Gnarley
. Their alignments differ, but their goals are compatible.


Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue. Olidammara is one of the more eccentric gods of

Flanaess. Olidammara was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by Gary Gygax in Dragon #70 (1983).[23] Olidammara was subsequently detailed in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983),[5]
though a typo in the work identified him as a god of "rougery".


Osprem is the Suel goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, and Sailors. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman in a flowing gown, or as a dolphin, barracuda, or sperm whale. In human form, she wears a ring carved from a whale's tooth, a gift from the grandfather of all whales. She is the occasional companion of Xerbo. Osprem was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]



Pelor is a

named Star Thought, summoning eagles and destroying evil with bolts of light. He is depicted as an older man with wild golden hair and beard, dressed in robes of shining white.


Phaulkon is the

Aerdrie Faenya
. He is very active, and dedicated to the eradication of evil.


Pholtus was one of the first gods created by

Oeridian god of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, the Sun, and the Moons, and was also used in the Planescape
campaign. His symbol is a silvery sun with a crescent moon on the lower right quadrant. His colors are white, silver and gold.

In the early 1970s, when


Phyton is the

Suel god of Nature, Beauty, and Farming. Phyton's symbol is a scimitar in front of an oak


Procan is the Oeridian god of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, and Navigation. His holy symbol is a gold and coral trident above or piercing a cresting wave.


Pyremius is the Suel god of Assassins, Fire, Poison, and Murder. His symbol is a demonic face with ears like a bat's wings. Pyremius is depicted as a hideous human with a bald,

-like head. He wears large bracers of brass. He wields a sword, the Red Light of Hades, and a whip called the Viper of Hades. Pyremius's closest allies are the goddess Syrul and the Oinoloth Mydianchlarus. He is distrustful of all other gods; he remembers how he betrayed Ranet, the previous Suel deity of fire, and doesn't wish for the same thing to happen to him. Geshtai particularly loathes him.

Pyremius was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax. He was one of the deities described in the From the Ashes] set (1992). Pyremius's role in the 3rd edition Greyhawk setting was defined in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (2000).



Ralishaz is the god of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity. His holy symbol is composed of three sticks of bone.[26]


Rao is the Flan god of Peace, Reason, and Serenity. His holy symbol is a heart-shaped mask with a calm expression, or a simple white heart crafted of metal or wood. His followers are called Raoans.


Raxivort is the patron god of the

. He also acts as a patron of wererats, bats, and rats. His symbol is a fiery blue hand.


Roykyn (ROY-kihn) is the

, who perhaps in selecting this particular servant was seeking to broaden his appeal beyond simple violence.


Rudd is the Oeridian goddess of Chance, Good Luck, and Skill. As the Great Gambler, she knows every card game invented. Rudd's holy symbol is a bull's eye target.[citation needed]


Saint Cuthbert

Saint Cuthbert of the Cudgel is the combative deity of Wisdom, Dedication, and Zeal.


Sotillion is the

. Sotillion promotes all the joys of comfort: warm weather, good food and drink, pleasant company, good conversation, and relaxing quiet. Stress and hard work should be avoided when possible. One's comforts should be protected and defended with zeal, as a life without comfort is worth little.

Stern Alia

Stern Alia is the demigoddess of

Stratis, is mentioned in literature for the Chainmail miniatures game in Dragon
#285, but he is deceased. The clerics of Stern Alia organize local militias to fight back against threats, buying time for the professional armies.


Stratis was an

Stern Alia
, and therefore a brother or half-brother of Heironeous and Hextor. Stratis was god of war in all of its forms, both just and unjust.


Syrul is the Suel goddess of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, and False Promises. Her holy symbol is a forked tongue.



In the

Oeridian god of Winter, Cold, and the North Wind. His symbol is a leafless tree in a field of snow. Telchur was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[27]
Telchur is depicted as a dark-eyed, gaunt man with and a long beard of icicles. Bitter and brooding, the God of Winter strikes at his enemies from the back of a winged albino bull with his icy shortspear. He is also represented with Vexxin, an axe made of ice, as tall as he is; with a great club of bronzewood called Tla, or with a broadsword called Issai.



In the

chaotic good god of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense. Trithereon was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk" by Gary Gygax in Dragon #68 (1982).[28]
Trithereon is a foe of evil and oppression. His love of freedom sometimes causes him to come into conflict with other good deities, such as Pholtus and Heironeous. Bralm hates Trithereon for his promotion of individualism. He is a strong ally of the quasi-deity Krovis, and he is allied with Kurell and Pelor as well. Trithereon is pleased with Lydia's philosophy of individual empowerment through learning. Trithereon is depicted as a young man with red-gold hair, tall and well-built, wearing a chainmail shirt with clothes of blue or violet. He is armed with three magic weapons: a sword named Freedom's Tongue; a spear called Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom; and a scepter known as the Baton of Retribution. He often appears with three summoned animals which serve him without question: Nemoud the Hound, Harrus the Falcon, and Carolk the Sea Lizard.


Tsolorandril is the hero-deity of Wave Motions. It sees itself as a keeper of records, noting the natural cycles of things like politics, nature, and time, and predicts how these patterns will take shape in the future. Its symbol is a sphere with a simple wave-shape repeating around its circumference. Tsolorandril is a tall, androgynous humanoid with very white skin, muted facial features, and silver-blue hair, carrying a length of metallic rope that moves as if it were liquid. Tsolorandril is an ally of




Ulaa is the goddess of Hills, Mountains, and Gemstones. Her holy symbol is a mountain with a ruby heart; she places rubies in the earth as gifts to miners, who do her husband's work.



Vara is the

. She uses her status as the eldest to compel them to do her bidding. Like her father, Vara loathes the other Touv gods, and revels in the act of twisting their minds. Like the other Touv gods, Vara dwells on the Material Plane.


Vathris is a hero-deity of anguish, lost causes, and revenge worshiped by some few in the Bright Desert. His symbol is a black spear. Originally, Vathris appeared as a shirtless

man with coppery skin, approximately nine feet tall, wearing beads of metal and clay in his long black hair. Today he is much diminished from his previous form, with a grisly torso wound that still oozes black bile, wielding the onyx longspear that killed him. His eyes are empty sockets. Where he once stood for the future, now he only obsesses about the past. He can manifest only once or twice a year, and then he dies again, to reemerge a year later. Needless to say, he has no permanent realm.


Vatun is the god of Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, and Arctic Beasts. His symbol is the




Velnius is the Oeridian god of the Sky and Weather. His holy symbol is a bird perching upon a cloud.


Vogan is the




Wastri is the

are fit to serve humanity as slaves; other races, like dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings, must be exterminated.

Wee Jas

Wee Jas is the

Suel goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. Her symbol is a skull in front of a fireball, or just a red skull. Wee Jas was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[5]
Wee Jas always appears as a highly attractive human female; other than that, details of her appearance vary wildly. Wee Jas thinks of herself as a steward of the dead. Though she is a relatively benign death goddess, she has no problem with undead being created – as long as they are not reanimated against their will, and their remains are procured in a lawful manner.


Wenta is the

Oeridian goddess of Autumn, Brewing, Harvest, and the West Wind. Her symbol is a large mug of beer. Wenta was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2]
Wenta always appears as a young, rosy-cheeked, buxom woman with straw in her hair and holding a large mug of beer. Wenta sends the cool winds of autumn as a signal that it is time to reap the harvest. She advocates staving off winter's chill with beer and ale, and instructs brewers to care for their product as they would a lover. Wenta rewards each day of hard work with pleasantly cool nights, boon companions, and plenty of good spirits to loosen the tongue and quicken the heart.


Xan Yae

Xan Yae is the goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power worshiped by some of the



Xanag is the

, god of noise, music, and the hardiness of building.


Xerbo is the




In the core

Clerics of Ye'Cind are scholars of music, who know how to play many different musical instruments. Many clerics of Ye'Cind are also talented composers who can weave subtle magicks into their songs and music. Designer Gary Gygax derived the name Ye'Cind from the name of one of his daughters, Cindy. (The name Cindy is itself a diminutive of an epithet of the Greek moon goddess Selene



Zagyg (formerly known as "Zagig Yragerne") is the god of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, and Unpredictability. His symbol is the rune of insanity. When

Robilar), Gygax's son Ernie (playing Tenser), and Rob's brother Terry (playing Terik).[32] Their reward was that Zagyg instantly transported them to the far side of the world on a giant slide,[33]
where they each faced a long solo trek back to the city of Greyhawk.


Zilchus (ZIL-chus) is the

Oeridian god of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence. His holy symbol is a pair of hands clutching a bag of gold. Zilchus was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2] Zilchus was one of the deities described in the From the Ashes set (1992), for the Greyhawk campaign.[34] His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996).[35] Zilchus's role in the 3rd edition Greyhawk setting was defined in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (2000).[36]


Zodal is the

. He considers even the most hateful gods to be his friends, believing that with his encouragement they might change their ways.


Zuoken (

Baklunish god of Physical and Mental Mastery. His symbol is a striking fist. Zuoken was first detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983), by Gary Gygax.[2] Zuoken was one of the deities described in the From the Ashes set (1992), for the Greyhawk campaign.[34]


  1. TSR Hobbies, Inc.
    p. 11.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Gygax, Gary. World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (TSR, 1983)
  3. ^ a b
  4. ^ Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk". Dragon #70 (TSR, 1983)
  5. ^ , 1983)
  6. ^ a b Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #68 (TSR, 1982)
  7. ^ a b c Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #71 (TSR, 1983)
  8. ^ Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #68 (TSR, 1982)
  9. ^ Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #67 (TSR, 1982)
  10. ^ "Dungeons & Dragons FAQ". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2008-10-02. Retrieved 2008-10-03.
  11. D&D Gazetteer (Wizards of the Coast
    , 2000)
  12. , 2000)
  13. ^ Bulmahn, Jason; Jacobs, James; Mike McArtor; Mona, Erik; Schneider, F. Wesley; Todd Stewart; Jeremy Walker (September 2007). "1d20 Villains: D&D's Most Wanted; Preferably Dead". Dragon. 32 (359). Paizo: 54–69.
  14. ^ Kelly, Kent David. "Hawk & Moor – Book II" (2014) Chapter 18
  15. ^ Lakofka, Lenard. Gods of the Suel Pantheon. Dragon #87 (TSR, 1984)
  16. ^ Turnbull, Don, ed. Fiend Folio. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1981
  17. ^ Pryor, Anthony. Rary the Traitor (TSR, 1992)
  18. ^ Sargent, Carl. Iuz the Evil (TSR, 1993)
  19. Paizo Publishing
    , 2005)
  20. ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. "Kyuss Biography". All Music. Retrieved 2007-07-04.
  21. ^ Lakofka, Lenard. "Gods of the Suel Pantheon V." Dragon #92 (TSR, 1984)
  22. ^ Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #69 (TSR, 1983)
  23. ^ Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #70 (TSR, 1983)
  24. Secret of Bone Hill
    (TSR, 1981)
  25. ^ "Gary Gygax: Q & A (Part XII, Page 8)". EN World. 23 August 2006. Archived from the original (Forum) on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 19 September 2017. ...St. Cuthbert was more of a joke than otherwise. Consider the advicacy of pounding sense into someone's head by dint of blows from a club.
  26. ^ Gygax, Gary E. "The deities and demigods of the world of Greyhawk." Dragon Magazine, No. 71, March 1983, pp. 52-56, TSR.
  27. ^ Gygax, Gary. World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (TSR, 1983)
  28. ^ Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon #68 (TSR, 1982)
  29. Reynolds, Sean K. The Scarlet Brotherhood
    p41. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast, 1999
  30. p39. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast, 1999
  31. ^ Gygax: "Zagyg is based on a sort of joke--me as the mad designer of Greyhawk Castle and its dungeons. After all, how else could such a place exist? "Gary Gygax: Q & A (Part I, Page 18)". EN World. 2002-09-20. Archived from the original on 2011-06-14. Retrieved 2009-03-15.
  32. ^ Gygax: "Rob, playing Robilar solo, delved into the dungeon, made it. Ernie, noting Rob's absence from adventuring with the party, sent Tenser on a solo quest to discover Robilar's whereabouts. He managed to follow a similar path, and made level 13. Then Terry Kuntz noted both of his usual companions were not available to play, went forth with Terik, and made the lowest level successfully... No other players in the group managed that.""Gary Gygax: Q & A (Part III, Page 11)". EN World. 2003-05-13. Archived from the original on 2011-06-14. Retrieved 2009-03-15.
  33. ^ Gygax: "When a character got down to this level there was no going back. The one managing that was given an appropriate reward then sent on a giant, one-way slide clear through to the other side of the world." "Gary Gygax: Q & A (Part III, Page 11)". EN World. 2003-05-13. Archived from the original on 2011-06-14. Retrieved 2009-03-15.
  34. ^ a b Sargent, Carl. From the Ashes (TSR, 1992)
  35. ^ McComb, Colin. On Hallowed Ground (TSR, 1996)
  36. ^ , 2000)