
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Quaquerni or Querquerni were an ancient tribe of Gallaecia, living in the Baixa Limia region of southern Galicia, where the Roman fort of Aquis Querquennis has been found.[1]


Aquis Querquennis Roman fort, Bande, Galicia

Historical sources

The Quaquerni are also known by the name Quarquerni,

Venetic Quarqueni, as registered by Pliny[5][6] and located somewhere in historical Istria.[7]


The name Querquerni is probably related to

Q-Celtic formation meaning "the Oak People / Warriors",[10][1][11][12][13]
related to:


Ancient sources tell of a place named Aquae Quarquernae.[17][7] Alternate names are Aquis Querquennis and Aquis Cercennis.[18]

Relations to other tribes

The Quaquerni were a subdivision of the Gallaeci Bracarii.

See also

  • Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian Peninsula


  1. ^ .
  2. , Nº. 5, 2005 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Actas del IX coloquio sobre lenguas y culturas paleohispánicas (Barcelona, 20-24 de octubre de 2004)), p. 806.
  3. .
  4. ^ "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), QUERQUERNI".
  5. .
  6. ^ Whatmough, Joshua. Language 26, no. 2 (1950): 302-04. doi:10.2307/410070.
  7. ^ a b Moralejo, Juan J. "Labiovelares en material galaico y lusitano". In: Callaica Nomina: Estudios de Onomástica Gallega. Biblioteca Filolóxica Galega. Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, D.L. 2007. pp. 231.
  8. ^ Luján Martinez, Eugenio R. (2006) "The Language(s) of the Callaeci," e-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies: Vol. 6, Article 16. p. 724. Available at: https://dc.uwm.edu/ekeltoi/vol6/iss1/16
  9. ^ Rhys, John. "II. The Celts and the other Aryans of the P and Q Groups". In: Transactions of the Philological SocietyVolume 22, Issue 1. Oxford: Published for the Society by B. Blackwell. 1893 [December, 1891]. pp. 108-109. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-968X.1891.tb00643.x
  10. ^
    ISSN 0092-2323
  11. ^ Curchin, Leonard A. (2008) Estudios GallegosThe toponyms of the Roman Galicia: New Study. CUADERNOS DE ESTUDIOS GALLEGOS LV (121): 111.
  12. ^ Falileyev 2007, s.v. Quarquerni and Aquae Quarquernae.
  13. ^ de Bernando Stempel, Patrizia (2014-05-19). Linguistically Celtic ethnonyms: towards a classification: in "Celtic and Other Languages in Ancient Europe". Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. p. 102.
  14. ^ .
  15. ^ Xavier Delamarre, La langue gauloise : Une approche linguistique du vieux celtique continental, éditions Errance, Paris, 2003, pp. 164 - 165.
  16. ^ DELAMARRE 164 - 165.
  17. ^ Suarez, Plácido. "La estructuración territorial y étnica del Conventus Bracarensis". In: MINIUS. Revista do Departamento de Historia, Arte e Xeografía. Universidade de Vigo. Servizo de Publicacións. Nº X, 2002. pp. 111-112, 119 and 127.
  18. ^ Búa, Carlos (2007). "O Thesaurus Palaeocallaecus, un proxecto que quere botar a andar". In: Dieter Kremer (Hrsg.). Onomástica galega: on especial consideración da situación prerromana. Actas do primeiro Coloquio de Trier (19-20.05.2006), Santiago de Compostela, 2007, p. 27.


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